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920 16 5

warning, swearing and f slur.

My life was quite easy. I had a girlfriend, I was popular, never got yelled at. I had it good. My best friend on the other hand, he struggled. I tried to help him the best I could, but it never really worked. I tried at least. He thanked me for that. He helped me a lot to. We helped each other when times were rough. I wouldn't be here without him...

My life sucked. Everyone hates me. I don't blame them, who would wanna hang out with a ram beast thing? I know one person who would though. His names Wilbur. My best friend. He understood me like no one else would. He calmed me down when times where rough. I loved him. No not friend wise, lover wise. I finally built up the courage to confess. I thanked Charlie for helping me with that.

I walked down the halls struggling to fine him. I heard his voice from a room to the left. When I went in I froze. He was pinning a girl to a wall and making out with her. Tears filled my eyes as he broke the kiss and looked my way. "I uh- hi schlatt..." he said nervously. "Get out freak!" The girl yelled. I turned and ran. I heard him yell, "he's not a freak! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Then he slapped her. I heard him running after me, calling my name. I couldn't belive it. He had a whole girlfriend and never told me!? I'm his best friend! How could he not tell me!? I ran out to the fields. They were filled with sunflowers that where feet tall. Anyone could get lost in there. I still heard him about 7 feet behind me. He kept telling me to stop running, but I didn't stop. It hurt. I didn't know why I cared so much. "PLEASE COME BACK SCHLATT-!" he yelled out. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE-!" I said as I started to struggle to breathe. I didn't have my inhaler. Fuck. I couldn't stop running. My legs kept going and going. I began to get dizzy. I fell to the floor with a loud thud.

At the hospital.

I was so confused why he looked so...so upset over me kissing sally... 'maybe its cause he likes you' some part of my brain said. 'No he can't! Right...?' I said back to the random voice. 'Yes he can. Do you see how he acts around you?' "Sir?" I heard someone say. I snapped out of my trance and looked up. "Yes?" I say back. "Are you here to for Jonathan Schlatt?" The doctor asks. "Yes" I say nervously. "Alright well you can go see him."  "Thank you." I say as I stand up and walk into the room. "Hey schlatt...how ya feelin?" I say in a low tone. "I'm fine." He said back in a pissed off tone. Why is he so mad? "Are you ok? You sound upset..." I say frowning a little. "Yea I'm fine...sorry for the attitude." He says back. I had the feeling he wasn't fine. "Its ok love, don't be sorry." I say as I put my hand on his. (Wilburs in a chair next to the bed)he looks at me and smiles a little. God he was so cute...wait why am I thinking this? I have a girl friend..."wil..?" He says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes?"  "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?"  "Well...I really wasn't ready I guess..."  "mh." He sounded mad at his response. He had a pissed off look on his face. Did I do something wrong? "Hey if there's anything wrong just tell me...I'm here to help always ok?" He looked at me. "Alright..."

He lied about always being there for me. He was always to busy hanging out with her. God I hated her so fucking much. She took him away for me. He was my best friend. I understood he was her girlfriend, but still. He ignored me all the time or used the excuse, "sorry Sally needs help" or "sorry not tonight hanging with sally". I was fed up. It hurt. When I had panic attacks he usually was there. He never showed up. I called him to tell him to come over after I had been abused by my father. He usually was there in 2 seconds. But now, he doesn't even bother calling back. I don't even know why I bother anymore. He made me so mad. I just wanted to kill that stupid ass fish bitch. She was so annoying. When wil wasn't there, she hurt me. Mentally and physically. She called me words that hurt a lot. She called me a faggot a lot. She told me that wil would never love me.  She hurt me with knifes. She carved names into my legs. I hated her. I wanted her gone. "Schlatt!" Wil called out trying to get my attention. I looked a him with pure annoyance. "What."  "Jeez just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out" 

"y'know what!? No! You've been ignoring me for the past 2 God dam months when I needed you the most! I'VE REALLY NEEDED YOU WILBUR! YOUR LITTLE BITCH OF A GIRLFRIEND HAS BEEN HURTING ME A-AND IVE BEEN GETTING ABUSED AND YOU ALWAYS USED TO BE THERE FOR ME BUT NO!!! ITS ALWAYS ABOUT HER!! DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME ANYMORE!? YOU KNOW ILL ANSWER THAT FOR YA! NO! YOU DONT! EVER SENSE THAT DAY YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING ME! EVERY TIME I HAVE A PANIC ATTACK YOU'RE NEVER THERE TO HELP ME! I'VE BEEN FUCKING NEEDING YOU! ARE WE EVEN FRIENDS ANYMORE!?" I let everything out. Did it feel good? A little. He stood there frozen. Maybe I said to much. "I-im so sorry schlatt..."  "NO YOU'RE NOT!" I say in anger again. Sally then comes up behind him. "Love whats happenin-" she begins as Wilbur turns around and slaps her. "HAVE YOU BEEN HURTING SCHLATT!?" he yells at her. She doesn't respond. "I SAID HAVE YOU BEEN HURTING SCHLATT!? FUCKING ANSWER ME!!" he yells once again. "No I havent-! Were did you get this information-?" I decide to step in. "YOU LYING BASTARD! YOU CUT ME AND CALL ME A FAGGOT!! I STILL HAVE ALL THOSE NAMES YOU CARVED INTO MY LEGS!" I yell back. Wilbur faces me.  "Is this true schlatt-?" He says in pure horror. "YES! ILL SHOW YOU!" I say as I pull up my pant leg revealing all the names. He started for a moment then looked back at Sally. "Were over. Get the fuck out of my site." He said to her in the most serious voice I've ever heard him speak. He looked back at me after she ran off. "I'm so sorry..." he said before he pulled me into a hug. I started to cry. I buried my head into his chest as he began to rub my back, at the same time calmly whispering into my ear its gonna be ok. For once in 2 months I felt safe. I always felt safe in his arms. "You have no clue how much I need you...and love you..." I mumbled the last part. But he heard it. "You love me...?" "Of course I do...who wouldnt..?"  "Do you mean like you love love me or just friend love me?" I sighed, guess its time I told the truth... I broke from the hug and looked at him. "I love love you...I have for a while now..."  his eyes widened. "You like me..?" He said in suprisement "yea..." I said. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. It was unexpected, but I gave in anyways. After a moment he broke the kiss. "I love you to actually...I found out after a while I fell out of love with sally and had fallen for you." I smiled at what he said. "Can we go to my house and uh- watch a movie?" I said trying to hide what I was originally gonna say. "you mean you wanna cuddle? I know you were gonna say that" he said with a smirk. "You know me too well..."


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