Start from the beginning

Now she was making fun of him, and Kentrell was slowly starting to lose his chill. Loosening up the tie he wore he sat across the table from her opening her file. "There's no concrete evidence that you did anything, but I know you not innocent. I can trace back unsolved murder cases from over a hundred years ago."

"Doesn't make me the murder." She shrugged unbothered by his statement now joining him at the table sitting down the missing girls papers. "You don't have evidence? I can leave."

"It maybe does, none of the cases sounded right. Something was always missing from each case." He explained to her and Azia heart didn't even skip a beat.

Yeah, wherever she went she left people dead in her path. She knew nobody would figure out it was her, the serial killer with many names. They've called her The Midnight Hunter thinking she was a male, and so much more. But never have they've actually called her what she was.

Azia De'Martel. The immortal fairy, that so happened to be a serial killer.

"Hey, the boss wants to see you." His partner Ben knocked on the door cracking it open. "Want me to take over for a while?"

"Umm, yeah. Just don't try to fuck her." Kentrell murmured to Ben as he walked fully into the room, and Kentrell left closing the door behind him.

Ben stared at Azia for a while before a small smile came across his face. "Now that he's gone." His voice came out unexpectedly as he took a deep breath and Azia watched as his body changed.

"Halle?" Azia questioned watching as she shapeshifted from Ben to her normal body. Pretty brown skin and adorable smile glowing, her shape just as pretty as it always is. Looking at Azia with a curious face expression.

"What yo' bad ass doing here?" She couldn't help but laugh at the women going over to the table sitting in the chair across from her.

"Girl where the fuck you been? I missed you. Don't worry bout' all this, they ain't got shit on me." Azia smiled brightly standing up and tackling the girl with a big hug. Halle hugging her back giggling a bit.

"Just been laying low. Jack recently visited me, and we hung out. He told me you were somewhere round here." Halle explained as they stopped hugging and Azia looked a bit confused. "I seen Miley out there too but I had to act like I didn't personally know her."

Azia listened closely to what Halle was saying, and it clicked to her. Why did it seem like Jack was trying to get the old gang back together? What's happening?

los angeles, ga
boss office

"You said you needed me, what you need?" Kentrell walked inside of his bosses office aggravated and annoyed from his previous conversation with Azia. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, he sighed rubbing his temple.

"No I didn't." His boss looked at home confusingly, taking a sip from his coffee and scratching his bald head. "Why you say that?"

"Ben told me you said you needed me, he straight up just told me that like five minutes ago." Kentrell used his thumb, pointing back at the door.

"Hmm, that's weird cause ion' even remember talking to Ben. I just know I seen him going to the bathroom, he lied to you." His boss explained looking through some papers brushing off the whole subject. "But I did want to tell you something."

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