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When everyone had eaten and plates had been piled on the counter, Bucky turned to Talia. She was watching him with a knowing smirk plastered across her lips and as he moved around the space, aware of Ava sitting quietly in a corner with her knees tucked to her chest, he found himself wishing he'd kept his mouth shut.

Jamie had spent the dinner texting him. Even now her fingers flew over the screen of her phone at a speed he'd never believe if he hadn't witnessed it, and her eyes narrowed as she frowned. 

Without warning, Bucky reached across the counter and swiped her phone from her hands.

"Uncle B," she shouted as she dove towards him, knocking her stool to the floor as she pushed to her feet. 

Ava flinched, curling in to herself even more, and Bucky turned to her. "You okay?"

Her chest was heaving and her hands were clenched into fists as her eyes stared past them all, at something no one else could see and Bucky felt his families eyes on him as he moved slowly to where she sat, crouching before her and putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Sergeant." His voice was soft as he shook her gently. "Remember where you are." He focused on the way darkness flickered beneath the surface of her eyes and ignored the whispers behind him.

"What's he doing?" Jamie asked.

"Bringing her back," Steve sighed.

"Back?" Peter was the one who spoke this time, moving closer behind Bucky.

"To the present," Steve explained, pushing the teenagers out of the room and towards the stairs. "Give her some space. Ladybug, go show Peter to his room, will you?"

"But Dad -"

"Now, Jamie."

"Deep breath in, Hall." Bucky brushed his hands over her arms as she stared at him, her eyes wider than he'd seen yet, and as she slowly came back to herself he pulled away, a dark scowl slipping into place as he took a step away from her and gave her space to breathe. "You good?"

Ava nodded, her palms rubbing against her cheeks as she huffed out a low breath and watched him back away from her.

Bucky just nodded.

"Wiener," Talia spoke up, pulling all eyes back to her. "Can you help me with the dishes? Steve, I think Ava could probably do with a decent nights sleep. Bring her up to her room?"

Steve furrowed his brow as he stepped forwards and Bucky cocked his head to the side.

"Which room?" Steve held out a hand for Ava and smiled as she took it tentatively. 

"End of the hall."

Bucky's eyes bugged as he turned to Talia and Steve simply smiled as he lead Ava Hall out of his kitchen and up the stairs.


With the kitchen now quiet, Bucky waited for Talia to turn to him before he sighed a deep, exasperated sigh. "Here we go." He ran his metal hand through his hair as he pushed Jamie's fallen stool up and sat down. "Can we not do this, Talia?"

She smirked. "Do what, Buck?"

"It's just a word, Talia. And I could see you reading into it the entire time we ate. Don't do that."

"You like her, Barnes. You know you like her too."

Bucky snorted as he pushed to his feet and grabbed the pile of plates Talia was reaching for, moving around her to dump them into the sink and turn on the taps. "I do not like her. I don't even think I trust her."

Do You Trust Me? // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now