01. when the tables turn

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I stare down at the honey brown liquor and watch the cold droplets slide down the glass. The loud beat of Pepas plays through the speakers and into the room full of sweaty bodies dancing to the song while singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs.

       "Are you going to have a sulky frown the whole night?" Anthony, my childhood best-friend asks while lifting one of his eyebrows.

My eyes shift to look at him with a menacing glare. "Would you like that I start jumping up and down with glee after my fiancé dumped me?" I bark and Anthony flinches at my tone.

"Ooookay," Anthony takes a sip from his liquor as he looks away awkwardly.

"I am sorry," I let out an exhausted sigh. I rub my temples and bring the cold glass to my lips. The brown liquid burns my throat and I scrunch my face as I shake away the affect. "I spent five years being loyal to her, loving her and she just ends things like that. All because she met a rich surgeon."

"Look man, I know it hurts right now, but you will get over her. And look at the bright side, now you can flirt with all the single ladies in this room," Anthony says with a cocky smirk.

"Most them are underage," I retort and his smile falls. This time it is him with a frown on his lips. "What?"

       Anthony picks up his drink from the table and begins to walk away. "You can stay with your pity party. I am going to find myself someone who is not in such a gloomy mood," he calls out as he makes his way to the dance floor.

       "What a great friend!" I yell back sarcastically, but Anthony just waves goodbye. I let out an annoyed huff and rest my chin on my palm. "Great. Now I am also losing my friends."

       As I watch Anthony flirting with a group of girls, I feel a gaze on me. Following my sixth sense, I look around the room until I spot the source. A tall raven-haired male standing behind the bar-counter quickly looks away when I meet his gaze. My eyes shift to the girl in front of him. She locks her gaze with mine and I feel my breathe hitch.

       I am instantly captivated. Her eyes were like crystal clear oceans, the ones only found in certain places of the world. Their unique color is so mesmerizing, but their depths, like the ocean, seem to hold many secrets.

       Like two opposite sides of a magnet, we are attracted and slowly pulled toward one another. It feels like a scene straight out of the movies. Time seems to freeze as we get closer with each step until we are finally standing in front of each other.

       "Hey," we say at the same time.

       This seems to amuse her and she lets out a soft chuckle. Even her laugh is intoxicating. For the first time this whole week, I feel my lips curve up into a smile.

"My name is Brian," I extend my hand for her to take. A surge of electricity runs through me as her palms molds into mine.

"So formal, Brian," she teases. "Would you like to dance?"

I am taken aback by her fast pace. Most girls would ask for a drink first or want to talk for a while. Nonetheless, I oblige and let her guide me to the dance floor.

       "So, how long?" She asks abruptly and I give her a dumbfounded look.

       "How long what?"

       She tilts her head to the side with a knowing look. "How long since you broke up with her?"

       My mouth falls agape. "How did you know?"

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