The Leader

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The Leader of the Travellers was truly a kind-hearted man, but was subject to the lies of those who had power above him.

The Leader knew those with more power than himself were not to be trusted, after a rather traumatic experience. Although, leaving on this note would be blasphemy. Thus, he left on the proclamation of boredom.

On his way out of the Capital City, he found that nothing surrounded them. All the tales of other cities were fake. Made up for... some reason he just couldn't put his finger on.

It was almost as if those with higher powers were scared.

Besides that, there truly was nothing outside of the Capital City. Not even land nor sea. The Capital City was an island, and suspended in the air.

Luckily for the Leader, any person who had more power than common folk was granted a pair of mechanical wings. Even better, he was the one who distributed them.

With the new knowledge, the Leader headed back to his studio, on the account of forgetting his belongings. He quickly packed a bag of 10 mechanical wings and the blueprints on how to make them.

Taking the blueprints was not necessary, as he knew how to make them by heart. With even more reason to hate those in power, he decided that by doing this, he might cause some more... serious issues.

Finally leaving Capital City for good, the Leader noticed someone being beaten in the streets. With a closer look, there were two beaters and a poor fella in the middle of the two.

Feeling bad for the guy in the middle, the Leader stepped closer. The beaters, noticing his rank, quickly got out of his sight.

Approaching the remaining guy, the Leader soon realized why he was being beaten. This guy had a facial condition where he appeared to be permanently shocked. The fact that this guy's eyes were also bigger than normal did not help.

Nobody here ever took kindly to those who were different.

But the Leader was different himself. His e...

Nevermind mind that. The point was that the Leader was also different, and felt sympathy for others like himself. The guy was knocked out, so the Leader simply carried him outside the city.


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Yes, this is a bit shorter, but the next part could either be more background on how those with power start out, the story could move forward with the perspective of the guy who was just saved, or it could be a glimpse of the leaders backstory. Please tell me what you would like to see happen next.

(All the things listed above will be written at some point, I just don't know where and in what order.)



LOST[DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora