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It's been a while...
Life happened.

Flying was always something I enjoyed doing.
Zooming through the sky...
Wind in my hair...

Of course crashes are normal when it comes to flying.
A slight interruption,
An unexpected event...

Despite that, it was not normal, however, to receive a message whilst flying that lead to a watery demise.

The message read, and I quote, "Someone may soon know"

Ominous, right?

It would only have been confusing if I did not immediately know what it was referring to.

I panicked, and here I am. Stranded in the middle of the ocean, slowly swimming my way towards land.

How embarrassing.
Especially the message, [Grian drowned]


Unknown Number

Someone may soon know

Be very careful Xelqua.

You know what happens
when people find out
what they can't know.

[Read, 2:05pm]

137 words

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