Chapter 6- Dinner

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We collected our bags and walked out to dreams car, where he put them all in the back. Somehow everyone and their bags fit, so we began driving. 

About 30 minutes later, we pulled into a driveway. The house that it belonged to was very nice. It was two stories and quite large. 

"Home sweet home." Dream said, helping everyone get their bags.

We walked in to be greeted by sapnap.

"Hey guys!" He gave every one a hug then went back to cooking. 


We all sat down at the table and began eating the spaghetti that Sapnap had made for us. I noticed tubbo just pushing around the food on his plate and not eating any of it, so i nudged him under the table.

I gave him a you good? Look and he nodded and went back to eating.

"So," Dream said after a moment of silence, "We dont have enough rooms for people to have their own so yall are going to have to share. Decide amongst yourselves whos gonna be with who. We can do one group of three and two pairs of two."

"I want to me with tubbo and tommy." I said, almost immediately.

"YOO BENCH TRIOO!" Tommy almost yelled.

"Wait dream?" George said looking up from his food.


"If those three are together and me and will are together, then whos in the other group of two?" 

"Well-" Dream began before getting cut off by someone.

"Us you muffinheads!" A very exited bad yelled, followed by quackity, who had a stupid grin on his face.

"Baddd! Quackityyy!" Everyone got up and greeted them, then they sat down as well, getting food dished onto their plates.

"So now that everyones here, you can decide the rooms. And yes tommy, we know nothing has changed with you three." Dream said, cutting tommy off before he even said anything.

"I dont really care, as long as theres something to sleep on." Wilbur said, then kept eating his food. 

"yeah i agree, quackity, george you guys can decide." BAd said.

"Well ill go with bad then." George said.

"Wilbaaa" Quakcity smiled. 




I felt bad lying to karl, but me and sapnap had never gotten into a fight, and him and karl did, so i just said that i did too. But now i was here with sapnap, holding hands with him under the table, smiling stupidly.


I love these muffinheads. I thought, smiling at everyone, saying how good the food was and yelling LANGUAGE! At tommy over and over.


I felt sick. I had aten even more than my stomach was used to to seem normal. I was about to throw up, not even on purpose. 

"Excuse me." I got up from the table, "Hey wheres the bathroom?" I asked dream

"Third door on the left." (Bro why is that always where the bathroom is-)

"Thanks man." I walked into the door shutting and locking it behind me. I held up the two fingers again. 

"Why fucking victory" I spat, "Of all signs."


I hope they all like my cooking. It felt so right where i was right now. Holding hands with my love under the table, stealing glances of him, hoping so one would notice. 

"Im going to get my phone, one sec." I got up from the table. I walked past the bathroom, hearing the words "Why victory, of all signs?" I was confused, but walked into my room, grabbing my phone off the charger. I tried to ignore it, but curiosity got the best of me. 

I opened up safari Sign of victory I typed into the search bar. I clicked on images and scrolled through the pictures, seeing the middle finger and pointer pointed upward, the rest of the fingers in a fist. Where have i seen that before? I thought to myself. I dont know. But i should probably get back. 

I walked back out into the dining room and saw everyone talking. I sat down and grabbed quackitys hand again. He smiled at me then resumed his conversation with wilbur. 


Eventually, i choked down all of the food on my plate, wanting to cry at every strand of noodle that touched my lips. 

Things like stop eating you dumbass and you fucking failure kept repeating through my head (ALL THE THINGS THEY SAID ALL THE THINGS THEY SAID RUNNING THROUGH MY HEAD RUNNING THROUGH MY HEAD) 

i put down the fork and just said i wasnt hungry anymore. The food was good, but i couldnt bare another bite. The intrusive thoughts made me want to throw up everything i had just aten.

But i couldnt. I knew how to do it, with the two fingers and that stuff, but id never done it before and i knew they would find out somehow. 

They always do.

it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake,✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨it's not a mistake ✨it's a masterpiece✨it's not a mistake ✨it's a masterpiece✨it's not a mistake ✨it's a masterpiece✨it's not a mistake ✨it's a masterpiece✨it's not a mistake ✨it's a masterpiece✨it's not a mistake



Not including the its not a mistake ✨its a masterpeice: 854 words

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