We'd have plenty of time to talk today, as we're heading to the Costwoods, a good two-hour drive, for her parents' anniversary party.

I confess that this party story was making me a little apprehensive, but I try not to freak out. After all, there was no reason.

I had gotten along well with the Rogers and they had no idea that our engagement had started out as a lie. Except Scott, Steve's brother-in-law. Steve told me he wasn't going to say anything, so it was just that he wasn't pissed at me putting in question the legitimacy of his father's medical degree that everything would be fine.

Now here I am, wearing my best jeans, a shabby Top Shop coat that doesn't heat up much anddrinking my coffee while I wait for Steve in front of my building.

Luckily Hill had gone for a run in Hyde Park with Holly, because I figured I was going to my parents' house, which was really my intention before Steve told me he'd have to change my plans. My mom freaked out a little when I told her I was going to visit Steve's family and couldn't go home this weekend, after all, it was the weekend she was going to cook a magical dinner with her crazy friends.

Yes, my mother had cult companions or whatever the name of these people who are into witchcraft and magic and things like that. And every month they had a special dinner to praise the goddess, which basically consisted of gossiping about the townspeople and then dancing naked in the moonlight.

Seriously, they really danced naked in the woods. And I knew this because my mother convinced me to accompany her once, and I was traumatized for months by seeing the breasts of Miss Collins, my elementary school teacher. That she had a tattoo on her ass. In the ass!

So I even gave thanks to God for being able to get rid of that weird party of my mother and her friends.

When Steve parks the car, I jump in, teeth chattering.

- Cold? he asks, amused, as he starts.

— Kind of obvious, since it's January and it's almost zero degrees outside!

"That coat of yours doesn't seem to be of much use!"

"And it's no use at all." It's the only one I have. I usually wear one of Holly's, but she forbade me to wear her clothes.

Yeah, Holly got pissed yesterday when she saw I smeared her velvet Miu Miu skirt. Of course I could take it without her seeing it, but I preferred not to risk it for now.

— Holly is your friend who dreams of participating in the X-Factor.

Look, he remembered that I'd told him about Holly while we were having Chinese dinner yesterday and X-Factor was on TV.

“Yeah, she was pissed that Simon Cowell said her performance was cabaret-worthy.

Steve laughs and I shift to my side to look at him.

"So, since we're going to be in the car for two hours, can we talk?"

Steve raises an eyebrow.

“Why does it feel like we're starting some kind of DR?

— Hmm, I hadn't thought of it in those terms, but it could be!

How exciting, Steve and I would have our first DR!

- Are you serious? Steve seemed to find it a lot of fun. “I thought couples had this kind of argument after months of being in a relationship or something.

'Couples have it when they need it!' — I am full of knowledge.

It's clear that I'm the most experienced in the relationship department, as the only thing Steve did before was pick up girls at the pub for the night. And of course, that Sharon doesn't count.

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