“You weren't supposed to be here, Natasha! – Steve whispers worriedly.

— How not, we agreed!

— I sent you several messages on your cell phone unmarking when you didn't answer my calls.

'He's unloaded!'

“You need to go. Now!

- Why? Who's there? I ask suspiciously.

Suddenly the owner of the voice appears behind Steve, peeking over his arm, while Steve tries, without much success, to make his mysterious visitor not notice me.

But I notice it. And she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life.

She's tall, dark, with long black hair and big eyes that stare at me curiously.

And she's not just pretty, she's elegant too! I can't help but measure her and hate her for fitting so well into a suit that I'm sure is Chanel.

"Steve, is there a problem?" - she asks.

He gives up trying to hide me and lets out an impatient breath.

What? Is he angry? Why? Why did I discover your beautiful and mysterious visitor?

Who the hell is that?

“No, none, I…” I can tell he's looking for a proper answer and doesn't want to tell her who I am.

"Are you the girl who came to bring the food?" — The woman takes her wallet. “Let me pay, Steve. We have to get back to the meeting soon, I don't have all night.


I look to Steve for an answer.

“Yes, Barbara… Bailey. He says her name as if I should understand.

I just grimace. Should I recognize?

“We're at a business meeting and you're one of the shareholders of DBS, in fact the biggest shareholder,” he adds slowly, as if talking to a child.


Now I understand. That woman is one of the shareholders of DBS!

The biggest shareholder, as Steve explained.

That makes her kind of his boss.

Fuck! And here I am, one of the DBS employees, dressed only in lingerie under my coat!

Shit! Shit!

I think fast and smile.

"Of course, I'm the food girl!" — I show the bags from the market.

“But I was hired to cook dinner. It wasn't, sir… Rogers? Was there a mistake? I heard you wanted to impress His Excellency The Shareholder with a nice Italian dinner. Those are my orders… sir.

Steve is staring at me in alarm, possibly not knowing whether to tell me to shut up and deny everything or slam the door in my face.

— How considerate! - Barbara smiles. “Very well, I think the young lady can cook while we finish analyzing the charts.
We can eat later.

Steve analyzes the situation for a moment. I can see he's not happy at all, but he motions for me to come in.

- Sure…. Ms…

“Romanoff,” I say, curtsying. “Natasha Romanoff, at your service. Where is the kitchen?

- On the right. Make yourself comfortable and…” He shoots me that menacing look that clearly says “don't do any of yours or you'll be dead”. - Be brief. Miss Bailey can't linger.

An Unexpected EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now