19-In which we explore the maze

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As soon as Newt had gobbled down the cupcake Minho raced over, grabbed him by the arm and started to pull him off into the maze, "C'mon shank, I want to explore," Minho grumbled. Maddy waved goodbye to them and laughed as Newt replied, "I'm not stopping you."

Several hours had passed, and since Minho had been ordered by Olly, keeper of the runners, to go further out, they headed straight as far as possible, until they came to a sort of clearing.

The cement that made up the maze was less close together, creating a wide square in the middle, sort of like a courtyard, with lots of... structures in it. They were tall and thin, pointing upwards, rusting with age. Newt and Minho stapled abruptly. "What is this?" Newt looked at Minho. "I haven't seen it before," Minho shrugged, "Lets explore." He took off into the metal jungle once more and Newt followed close behind, rolling his eyes.

Eventually, they stood in the middle of the metal things, panting heavily. Newt stood up abruptly, shoving Minho to get up. "Hey," he shoved Minho again, who was now eating some of his lunch."Hey Shank." Minho finally heaved himself up and Newt pointed to the wall on their right. Minho's eyes grew larger as his face formed a frown.

"Seven," he murmured. That was what was on the wall. Painted in faded, flaking, red paint, it stood out proudly against the grey stone as if calling them to it. "Do you think there are more places like this?" Newt asked Minho.

"Mazes? I sure as hell hope not. This stuff here? Probably. You don't just think 'I'm gonna paint a big red seven on the wall of this hellhole' do you?" Newt laughed at him, "S'pose not."

They turned a full circle from where they were standing, but could see nothing else, covered by the metal things. Newt walked up and touched one tentatively before beckoning Minho over. As Newt's fingers brushed against the metal, flakes of rust came off, falling to the ground and staining it blood red. Blood in Section 7.

"What shall we call these then?" Minho asked. Newt continued to run the metal, oblivious to his friend. "What shall we call them then?" Minho shouted in his ear.
"Oh, urm. They're a bit like grass aren't they? Or swords?."

"Oh yes," Minho smirked at him, "Lets call these scary things grass-swords. Good name, Captain Shank." Newt punched him on the arm. "Fine, shank lets call them... blades."

Minho smiled at him, "You are improving young warrior," then he started to run off, with Newt hot on his heels, shouting various swear words at him.

A couple of minutes later, Newt ran into Minho. Quite literally. They both ended up on the floor with Minho trying to point up at the wall above them. Newt got up and stared. On the wall hung an ivy ladder. It was thin, probably not very stable either, but looked like it might work. It just hung there, completely surrounded by ivy on both sides, almost entirely unnoticeable.

"You want to go up, or go back?" Newt questioned Minho. "Back," he started to jog next to Newt, "But we can only tell runners about this, ok?" The blonde boy nodded, rolling his eyes again at his friend.

And although he rolled his eyes, it turned out that Newt only told runners, and Maddy. Because Maddy was different right?

A/N Sorry this was so short. I've got a big exam coming up on Wednesday, so there might not be anymore till then. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH we got 100 more views in 4 days which is completely crazy. Thank youu again :)

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