4-In which heaven becomes hell

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"How long have you been here?" Maddy's started. Newt thought for a moment before answering, "Maybe three or four months now? Not too long, but definitely long enough," he grinned a little and Maddy nodded sympathetically.

"What did you...," Newt faltered, "What did you see in the maze?" His eyes were a little wider than usual and his eyebrows were drawn together. He was pouting a little, like a toddler, and Maddy sort of wanted to hug him. She shook it off and carried on. "There was this boy, and he was running. Away. And to start with there was just one of the spiders, and it cornered him. The boy-" Maddy hadn't noticed before but Newt was squeezing her hand, "It put something in his arm, and he just.He just went limp. But he saw me, and I didn't help him. I couldn't."

She was shaking now, visibly and she could almost feel the mutant spiders eyes on her, almost hear their feet click, click, clicking behind her, faster and faster, and as they sped up so did her breathing until finally she was at a frantic pace, and Newt was screaming at her to calm down, and there was another boy in the room, when did he get there?

Three letters again. BMM.

Clenching her eyes shut, she leaned forwards dizzily, the bed creaking beneath her.

"And then it looked up at me, and it climbed up the ivy, and it was chasing me, three of them, and then-"

She stopped mid sentence as Newt sat back down next to her, gripping her hand again. She could hear the other boys footsteps plodding away half heartedly. "Sorry," Newt said softly, "Maybe we shouldn't talk about that again then." Maddy chuckled. "No perhaps not."

She examined the ceiling as she conjured up her next question. "What's the food like here?" Newt sighed a little as he smiled, rolling his eyes, "Siggy's good at cooking and all, but it's not as good is it was before all this." Maddy's shoulders slumped a little.

"I don't remember much about before, but I do remember pasta. Do you have pasta?" Newt laughed.

"Of course, do you like tomato sauce?"
"Obviously," Maddy replied, "Can we go get some?"

Newt nodded and helped her get up again. "We'll go slowly, but please don't be scared by the others. There all nice enough, but they're not used to girls."

Maddy drew back a little at that, surprised. "What do you mean they're not used to girls?" She was standing on her own now, without Newt's help. "You're the first girl they've sent."

Her eyes widened further and she staggered a little before regaining her balance. "In four months, I'm the first girl?" Newt nodded sheepishly. "So can I ask just one more question Maddy?"

"As long as I can get a lot of pasta afterwards, yes," she retorted, but with less energy than before.

"Can you remember anything other than pasta? Because it normally takes a couple of days for anything at all to come back."

"I-," she was struggling with her words now, leaning a little, "Are you going to tell them?" Slowly, carefully, Newt manoeuvred her back into the bed as she protested softly. "No, I'm not gonna tell anybody, but you've got to tell me."

Maddy nodded slowly. "There were three letters; B, M, M. All flashing together. BMM, BMM."

"Do you know what they mean?" Maddy felt herself shake her head as she slipped back into unconsciousness.

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