1-In which she flees and falls

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First things first, all rights go to James Dashner for his amazing characters and storyline. A few of the characters you will meet are mine, as is most of the storyline. Thank you for reading (:

Screaming. Cold, hard screaming echoed off her bones, reverberating through her brain. And then nothing.

But not just no sound. A complete, full nothingness. She realised then that it wasn't just that she was sleepy. She couldn't remember anything, feel anything.

Slowly, cautiously, she opened her eyes. Grey swirled above her, wrapping itself in tendrils around the dull sky. A single drop of rain fell and , plop, landed on her hand. And then another. And then more and more until it felt as if the tiny water droplets were attacking her, bombarding her, shooting cold through her veins, right to her very heart.

Hurriedly, she scrambled up, hoping to find shelter, some kind of refuge. There was nothing. Tall, concrete walls surrounded the ground below and as her eyes adjusted, she could make out more and more of them. They never seemed to end, trailing on in random patterns right to the horizon. Infinite.

As far as the eye could see, the walls stood erect, soldier like, as if waiting for orders. But that wasn't what confused the girl most as the wind battered her tired face, whipping her hair against it. This was a maze. She was on top of a maze with no idea who she was or what the hell she was doing.
Panic swept over her, a net capturing her, sending her off to some long forgotten, desolate corner of the earth. It was almost as if she could actually see the loneliness engulfing her, a black mass storming around her.

Suddenly, a savage scream pierced the air, shaking the girl right to her centre. Slowly, she edged on her hand and knees towards the edge. The stone was rough, cold and wet, and it slipped underneath her, threatening to send her off the edge. But upon reaching the edge, she wished she never had.

10, 20, 30 metres below her was a boy, back pressed against the wall, chest heaving in and out. Aside from the rain, it was the only noise she could hear. The boy continued to shuffle slowly sideways, feet dragging, sweat pouring off him like a waterfall.

The girl took her eyes away, stupidly convinced there was no danger in doing so. From her precarious position crouched high up on the wall, she could see almost everything. The walls that had only a few minutes earlier seemed empty and almost harmless now seemed to turn dark, the air taking on a rigidity that made it hard to breath.

A monster.

It was crouched just around the next corner, a bulbous, slimy mess, compiled of what seemed to be left over DNA and all of her worst nightmares. Spiders, the dark, monsters under he bed. The thing looked like a shadow, something that, no matter how hard he tried, the boy would not escape. It's gross eyes flicked around the concrete, finding nothing to settle on. Just dark, grey concrete and monotonous sky.

The boy continued to shuffle slowly towards the beast, obviously unaware of how close he was to death's jaws. His breathing was still deep, but regular and calmer now. He was smoothing his hands on his trousers, wiping off his sweat when a noise interrupted him.

The scratch of metal and squelch of sludge. The monster had, from one of it's arms, if they could be called that, extracted some sort of massive syringe. It looked rusty, like it should have been too old to still be used, and it looked as if it had been used far too many times.

There was a crust of dried blood coating the end, wrinkling into tiny patterns and dancing down towards the point.

The boy had frozen, standing rigid in his place. He closed his eyes slowly, mouthing a word, over and over. 'Help' he called out silently. 'I need help.'

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