Opening her arms, Lizzi invited the girl closer, and she complied. Lizzi cradled her gently, feeling her tense but yielding to the embrace, seeking warmth. "Elizabeth, what's happening here?" Her boss interrupted, finding them in the orphanage kitchen. The girl eagerly devoured the cookies Lizzi had offered, pausing to sip milk, revealing she hadn't eaten in days.

"I'm not sure, Mrs. Jefferson. I heard her crying outside and found her there. Someone must have left her."

"This is problematic. We can't take her in," Mrs. Jefferson fretted. "We're stretched thin as it is!

"We can't abandon her either! She can't even speak, who knows if she's ill or has family out there? Leaving her would be condemning her."

"Of course, we won't abandon her, Elizabeth. But we need a plan. Social services—"

"Are bullshit! You know how it is. With all due respect, ma'am."

"We can't afford another mouth to feed."

"Please, Mrs. Jefferson. Let's care for her for a few days, at least. To see if someone out there cares for her." Reluctantly, Mrs. Jefferson agreed, and that night, the little girl slept beside young Elizabeth.

Sadly, no one came to claim her.


Days passed without anyone reporting the girl missing. It was as if she had no presence on any records. Elizabeth, accompanied by the young blonde and Mrs. Jefferson, decided to investigate if there was any trace of the child. To their surprise, the girl wasn't even officially recognized as a person. Realizing this, Elizabeth couldn't bear the thought of the child not having a name to be identified by. She knew it would be challenging to register her with the government without information about her parents or the girl herself.

After a challenging year and a half for Lizzi and the little girl, the blonde was finally given a name: Alana Dawson, adopting Elizabeth's last name. It seemed like the most fitting choice. With Alana now legally recognised, she became eligible for the adoption process.

However, luck was not on their side. Alana soon realised that few people were interested in adopting a seven-year-old girl who couldn't speak.

Elizabeth took it upon herself to learn sign language, which she then taught Alana. Yet, not many others showed dedication to learning it. The other children at the orphanage often mocked her for her silence, leaving Alana feeling isolated. The only people she felt she could trust were Melissa and Elizabeth.

Melissa played the role of a caring aunt or grandmother, always there to support Alana. She taught her practical skills like sewing and baking, as well as providing emotional support. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was Alana's hero and role model. Alana aspired to be like her when she grew up. Lizzi taught her to read, attempted to help her overcome her speech impediment stemming from the trauma of her past, and ensured she received an education. Despite the challenges, Alana made progress, thanks to Elizabeth's dedication.

Alana decided not to let this determine her future, even though it seemed that no one would be interested in adopting her and that she might be forced to spend the rest of her life in an institution. She felt that she could conquer any obstacle if Elizabeth and Melissa were by her side.


Barry Allen was a promising young man, but he did not have the best childhood, as many might think. That is why, once he had the opportunity to study, he knew that dedicating himself to a law specialty was the best option. He wanted to do justice for his father, and he wanted to do justice for his mother. He was not going to let a child suffer the same fate as him or even suffer just because the authorities did not know how to do their job well.

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