Chapter 35 ~The Villian*

Start from the beginning

And Felix couldn't take it.

He hadn't fully grasped the fact that Tinkerbell, the love of his life, was in fact not so dead. That she was breathing, or wheezing, right next to him. That all the grief he had experienced was for nothing. Nothing because she was safe and here and alive. Felix couldn't process it all.

To him she wasn't alive until she opened her pretty blue eyes.

The Lost Boys swarmed around the tent. They still hadn't gotten the explanation of why he left them after Tink disappeared. He knew that technically Pan ruled over the Lost Boys, but Felix always felt that they were his responsibility.

Felix sighed as Rudolph walked in. The boys sent him because he was the bravest of them all. Felix knew the question before it escaped his lips.

"No. She's not dead."

"That's....good?" Rudolph said questionably.

"Yeah, it is."

There was silence for several seconds. Felix noticed his stare was directed at Tink. Felix tensed his shoulders unsure of whether or not to protect her.

Rudolph's dark eyes finally lifted from Tink's face and then locked with his.

"You're lucky."

"Excuse me?" Felix asked surprised.

"To have her. To have someone to love." Rudolph suddenly looked down as if he had spoken out of turn. He swallowed noticeably.

"I know am." Was all Felix could think to say. It didn't take Rudolph look to excuse himself from the tent.

Felix couldn't read the expression on the boy's face.

Rudolph was just another mystery on the island. There was too many to count and Felix was tired of trying to.

As long as it didn't concern himself or Tink, Felix wouldn't get involved anymore. As wrong as it was to think of Wendy, he did. If Tink hadn't crossed paths with her, she wouldn't have ever been abandoned. She would have never gotten attacked by Syrena, and he would just be with her.

Felix realized that he would probably never stop hating Wendy. Even if he respected her now, every time he closed his eyes he would think about what could have been Tink's death.

So for that, Felix would never forgive her.


Wendy didn't know how, but she was sleeping. Occasionally she would wake up in gasps only to be pulled under again. She had strange dreams. Dreams leaked with a thousand rainbows of color. Others so bland it made her want to cringe.

Most of them were about home, or what home used to be like. How she got bullied in school. That was one of the black and white dreams. Her mom singing her brother's lullabies. That one was in color. And then there were the ones that made Wendy believe it was real.

Those dreams were the ones with Pan. A lot of them were of them together. Just happy and content like they never were. Like she didn't get her heart crushed. Like they didn't break up. And when she did get those brief moments of clarity when she would wake herself up and found herself in the cave, she wondered if the Dreamshade would actually be the thing to kill her. It seemed like the memories would.

The Dreamshade was painful. Sometimes the pain was so intense it would leak through to her dreams and she would witness one of her loved ones being the ones dying. Wendy just wanted it all to stop.

And it did. Almost the instant she wanted it to. There was just erie silence. Everything stopped; the pain even stopped. Wendy laughed gratefully. She smiled and her eyes teared up in relief.

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