Hamilton x Gasly

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Pierre Gasly

As if stung by a tarantula, I ran down the hotel corridor. My lungs were burning and my legs ached, but I didn't care! All that mattered was him! Him and no one else! I quickly looked around before pulling out his key card and unlocking the door. I slipped through the door and I was greeted by.... pure darkness...

Everything was dark... You could barely see your own hand in front of your eyes....Unsteadily, I stumbled around the room until I found the light switch. The sudden light hurt like hell, but I quickly got used to it.

Searchingly, I looked around, but couldn't see Lewis anywhere. Then my eyes fell on the bathroom door. It was locked and I could imagine that he was inside.Quietly I knocked on it and he just shouted 'Go! Go away!'. Of course I didn't let him shake me off that easily, so I kept knocking. Again only a 'Go!' came, although it was clear to him that I would not go.

"Open the door before I kick it in!" , I threatened after a few minutes and sure enough, something stirred in the bathroom. 10 seconds later the door opened and my boyfriend stumbled into my arms. Somewhat perplexed, I caught and supported him.Slowly I brought him to the bed and put him down there. Then I took off my shoes and laid down next to him. Instantly he snuggled up to me and I put my arms around him.

"What's wrong amour? Val sounded very worried on the phone...", I asked gently as I stroked his back softly. "Everything... People don't understand how hard my way here, to Formula 1, has been..." he cried and I pulled him closer to me. "I know you're getting a lot of hate, but I know how hard it's been for you!", I started and briefly pressed a kiss to his head. Suddenly, I remembered something.

"Give me your phone!", I prompted him and he frowned. "Why?", he asked but I didn't say anything and waited patiently for his cell phone.Uncertainly, he handed it to me and I turned it off. "What are you doing?" he wanted to know in horror and sat up. Determined, I pushed him back down on the bed.

"Don't worry about it! I think this can do you some good.... And before you start making excuses, I've already told your team and your family. They know you're off this thing for at least a week now!", I told him and pulled him close to me again. "You're going to completely shut down for a week now, understand?" He nodded slightly and snuggled up to me. Smiling, I closed my eyes and pulled the blanket over us.


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