Kimi x Norris

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Kimi Raikkonen

After this successful season, we went to a pub with all the drivers to celebrate properly.I sat at our table and watched the others. To be more precise, one particular Brit. Lando had stole my heart. Ever since he started driving for McLaren, I was hooked. Only problem... I am 20 years older than the young driver. That makes the whole thing practically impossible...

"What's wrong Iceman?", Antonio slurred in my ear and I looked away disgusted. Unlike usual, I hadn't had anything to drink today, except for a beer.I just wasn't in the mood...."All good Tonio, all good!", I assured him and moved further away from him.His breath reeks of alcohol all the way here, and it's very, very unpleasant.


I was completely lost in my thoughts when someone sat down next to me. "Why so alone? Usually you're always the first, at the karaoke bar?" I looked to the side and looked directly into his bright blue eyes."I kind of don't feel like it... Why aren't you there?", I asked back and he shrugged. "I'm not in the mood either.... Just like you!", he answered my question.

I chatted with Lando for a while, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach, when I saw a young man.He was sitting at the bar and I had noticed him before. All the while he was staring at the young Brit. I clenched my hands into fists and tensed my jaw."What's wrong Kimi?", Lando looked at me uncertainly and I clarified. "The guy at the bar is staring at you all the time..."Lando turned and looked at the man. He winked at him once conspicuously and then turned away. "He's probably just drunk," Lando reassured me and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom for a minute. I'll be right there!" With that, he left me to watch the others make fools of themselves.


When Lando still wasn't back after almost 10 minutes, I got worried. The guy from the bar was gone too.Instantly, something clicked in my head and I jumped up. I ran to the bathroom, where I heard the Brits desperate shouts."Let go of me!" he yelled, but the man didn't seem to care.

I pushed open the door, pulled the man away from Lando and my fist collided with his face.He staggered backward and left the bathroom running. Lando had hidden behind me and was completely devastated. He was shaking all over and tears were flowing from his eyes.Instantly, I took him in my arms and slowly stroked his back to make him stop crying."He's gone! Everything will be all right!", I spoke to him and noticed how he nodded. "Come on! I'll take you to the hotel!"


Arriving at the hotel, I took him to my room and helped him get ready for bed."Will you stay with me?" he asked me anxiously. "Of course! After all, this is my room, isn't it?", I smiled slightly and lay down next to him.Immediately he snuggled up to me and I put my arms around him. Lightly I stroked his hair until he fell asleep.


Once again for MinCozy_Canyz :)

All the love,

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