Kimi [1]

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"Do you love me at all?"

(Y/N) (Y/L/N)

And again, I was sitting here waiting for him. Kimi, my husband, was out with some friends and was supposed to be home by now, but he's not here yet. He's been really weird lately anyway. He hasn't kissed me in probably a month. When we go to sleep he doesn't pull me into his arms anymore, but turns away. He talks even less than usual and doesn't engage with our daughter anymore. Every evening when he is not there she cries herself to sleep and I can't do anything about it. Again and again she asks me: 'Where is daddy?' or 'Is daddy back?' And every time I have to tell her that he is not there. It's even worse than in the middle of the season. But, this is the first winter break that he's been gone so much. Whenever I try to talk to him he just goes away or says nothing and just listens.

A crying snapped me out of my thoughts. (Y/D/N)! I ran to our daughter's room and quietly opened the door. She was sitting on her bed, face buried in her hands, crying. I walked over to her bed and pulled her onto my lap. "What's wrong baby?" She looked up and I could see her tears. "I-I want to go to D-Daddy..." Her voice trembled and I pulled her closer to me. "Daddy's not here sweetie" And again new tears ran down her cheeks. "W-where is my D-Daddy?" It stung my heart to see her like this. "Daddy's not here..." She buried her face in my chest, soaking my shirt with her tears. "I want to go to daddy" I gently stroked her head. "I know baby. I know" Her body started to shake again and new tears started to run. "Why isn't he here?" "I don't know" She looked up at me. "Doesn't he like us anymore?" As she spoke this question tears started to run down my cheeks. "I can't tell you..." I hugged her again and then laid her down in her bed. "Go back to sleep, please. It's late" She nodded and wiped away her tears. "Will he be back when I wake up?" (Y/D/N) looked at me with her puppy eyes and I didn't want to lie to her. "I'm sure he will. For sure" I gave her another kiss on her forehead and then left her room.

Kimi Raikkonen

I entered our house and kicked my shoes off my feet. I went out again and left (Y/D/N) and (Y/N) here. Actually, I should use the winter break to spend every minute with the, but I didn't deserve them, so I distanced myself. I'm too bad for them. I went upstairs and passed by our daughter's room. I heard her and (Y/N)'s voice. She was talking to (Y/D/N), trying to calm her down. "Daddy's not here..." "I want to see Daddy" "I know baby. I know" "Why isn't he there?" "I don't know" "Doesn't he like us anymore?" That was it. I gulped and quietly walked into our bedroom. I changed my clothes and got into bed. 

A short time later (Y/N) came in and laid down next to me. I could see little tears on her cheeks and pulled her into my arms. A little startled, she looked at me and moved away again. "Do you even love me?" My eyes widened. "Of course I love you! What makes you think that?" "Think about it very carefully! Never are you there. You don't talk to me, you don't talk to (Y/D/N), and you neglect us. Of course, then I question whether you love me!" "I would never stop loving you. I'm just too bad for you" Now a tear ran down my cheek too. She took my hand and gently stroked it. "Why do you think that?" "I was too bad. Too bad for Ferrari and now too bad for you..." My voice broke off at the end. "You're not too bad. I didn't fall in love with you because you're a Ferrari driver, but because I love your character. Yes, you're a little difficult sometimes, but who isn't? Don't think that you are too bad for me. You're way too good!" Tears ran down my face and hers. I wrapped her in my arms. "I'm so sorry. I-I was an idiot!" She had to giggle slightly. "You always are" I pushed her chin up slightly and wrapped her in a loving kiss. When we broke away she was beaming all over. "I think that's come up way too short lately" She nodded and snuggled against my chest. I was about to say something else when I noticed small footsteps on the floor. "M-Mama..." (Y/D/N) came into the room, with her car cuddly toy looking at us with teary eyes. "Come to daddy" I spread my arms and she climbed into bed. She snuggled under the covers and I put an arm around her. "Do you still like us?" Sadly she looked at me. "Of course I still like you. Very very much" I smiled and she moved closer to me. "Tomorrow we'll do something together, yes?" But she didn't hear that anymore, because she had fallen asleep. I gave her a kiss on the temple and slowly drifted off.

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