Magnussen x Hulkenberg

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Nico Hulkenberg

I looked into his eyes. They were red and shiny. He had cried again. Without saying a word, I wrapped him in my arms and he began to soak my T-shirt with his tears. He clawed at my shirt and his body trembled. I stroked his back. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and tried to stifle his sobs. "It's okay. Go ahead and cry. It helps" That's when he started crying again and his body started shaking again. I was still stroking his back until he broke away from the hug. "Come on let's go inside" I put an arm around him and guided him to the bed. There he settled down and I stroked his head reassuringly. "Why?" His voice was only more than a breath and broke off at the end. "I can't tell you, but it can only get better" He nodded wearily and then drifted off. When I was sure he was asleep I got up and put on my shoes.

With quick steps I walked across the paddock on my way to the Haas Motorhome. When I reached it, I ran straight in and got only funny looks. "Where's Guenther?!" I went up to one of the employees and he showed me the way to Günther's office. Recklessly, I pushed open the door and Günther looked up. "Hello Nico. What can I do for you?" Good. We speak German, so I can finish him off and no one will notice. "Why?" He frowned. "What Why?" "Why do you always beat Kevin up like that?" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Because he doesn't deserve it any other way. He just can't drive a Formula 1 car" Now I was the one rolling my eyes. "It's not his fault if you build such a shitty car and then keep him under contract" "You have no say here!" "Oh really? I don't care. He's already back in my room crying his head off because you're too stupid to treat him right!" Günther stood up. "I'll treat him the way he deserves" I walked up to him. "Would you want Gene to treat you like that? Telling you that you are good for nothing and that he would like to kick you out!" "No, but Kevin is different!" I shook my head. "No, it isn't. And since you don't seem to realize it I'm going to leave now because you're just too stupid to understand" With a bang I slammed the door and only heard Günther calling after me 'Did you just slam my fucking door?' I left the Haas Motorhome and made my way to the hotel.

Kevin Magnussen

Exhausted I opened my eyes. I looked around. This was not my hotel room! I stood up. Maybe a little too quickly, because I felt dizzy for a moment. I held my head and sat on the edge of the bed. Now it came back to me. I was in Nico's room. I had gone to him and he had tried to calm me down. I love him. I really love him, only I can't tell him that, because that would destroy our friendship. I sighed and got up. I was about to leave the room when I bumped into Nico. "I-I'm sorry" "It's okay. You want to go already?" I nodded. "I don't want to bug you anymore" He held me by the shoulder. "No. Don't go. I like it when you're here" His cheeks tingled a little and he looked down at the floor. "Okay, but it's getting late..." "It doesn't matter. You can sleep here with me" I looked at him carefully. "And you don't mind?" He shook his head. "Listen Kevin. I like you. I really like you and I know that what I might say now will destroy our whole friendship, but I can't keep it to myself any longer" He took one deep breath and took my hand. "I didn't realize that until after the whole. 'Suck-my-Balls' debacle. I like you. No! I'd even go so far as to say I love you. You're a-" That's as far as he got because I bridged the distance between us and engaged him in a kiss. When we broke away, he looked at me in surprise. "T-That's not what I was expecting right now..." I laughed. "I didn't expect a confession of love either" He shrugged. "That's true..." I shook my head and went back to his room. "Are you coming now? I'm very tired" He came to me and we put on sleeping clothes. Nico gave me clothes from him that were a tad too big for me, but I didn't care, it was comfortable. That was enough. He lay down with me and I snuggled up to him. "Where were you before?" I looked up at him. "I was talking to Günther..." "So, how was it?" He shrugged his shoulders. "If you want me to sum it up I'd say he do not fok smash ma door" I had to laugh. "Well now we're going to sleep. We have a race to do tomorrow" He gave me a kiss on the head and I fell asleep. In the arms of the man I love. 

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