Magnussen x Hulkenberg

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Nico Hulkenberg

I was so pissed off at Kevin. He can't just kick me out of the race! I was really irritated. Why does he drive in Formula 1 at all? He doesn't get shit anyway! It was just the post-race interviews and I spotted him. He was speaking in Danish, which sounded really sexy, but I can't think about that now. I walked up to him and patted him on the arm. "Once again the most un sportive driver on the grid" He interrupted his conversation and looked at me. "Suck my balls honey!" With that he turned back to his conversation and I left.

Once in my hotel room I kept thinking about his sentence. He didn't know that I liked him and he will never know, but he also had no idea what the sentence triggered in me....

Completely lost in thought, I lay on the bed and overheard the repeated knocking. At some point, I did hear it and got up. I asked myself who would want to come to me. It can't be Daniel, he is confirmed with his girlfriend and Cyrill is already gone. It couldn't be the mechanics either, because they were packing up. Still puzzled, I opened the door and saw Kevin. "Kev-" That's as far as I got, because he cut me off, with a demanding kiss. He broke away from me and I stumbled backwards a little. "W-what was that just now?" His eyes were filled with lust and he bit his lower lip. That looked really hot, the way he looked up at me. "I'll make my demand come true!" After that sentence, he kissed me again and I returned the kiss. We stumbled towards the bed and he pulled my shirt over my head. His shirt also found its way to the floor and so it all took its course....

George Russell

There was a mistake in the planning, that's why my room was next to Nico's. I was sitting on my bed scrolling through Twitter until I heard a groan from the room next to me. "Shit Kevin!" My eyes widened and I slowly turned my head towards the wall. That's not what I think it is now, is it? I listened again and my suspicions were confirmed. Again I heard a groan. I really don't feel like it now! I definitely do NOT want to listen to Nico and Kevin having sex! I put on my shoes and left my room as fast as possible. Just get away from those two.

I knocked on Charles door and he opened his door a short time later. "Hey George. What can I do for you?" He was very puzzled, but I just squeezed into his room. "I had to get out of my room!" He followed me, still confused. "Why?" I sighed once. I don't even want to think about it. My head cinema doesn't make it easy for me either. "Because I don't feel like listening to Nico have sex!" He frowned and sat down on his bed. "He broke up with his girlfriend, didn't he?" "Who says it's his girlfriend...?" "Who else would it be?" I swallowed once. "If I tell you, you either won't believe it, or you'll have the head rush of your life" He just rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just say it? It can't be that bad" I took a breath. "Kevin" "What about Kevin?" He didn't understand. "Kevin is in Nico's room!" Charles' jaw dropped "Wow! Now I have a massive headache...How do you even know that?" He looked at me questioningly. "I was sitting in my room and heard a moan. That was then followed by a 'Shit Kevin' and that didn't exactly sound feminine" Charles still couldn't believe it and just shook his head. "I'll never be able to look at those two normally again now" I just nodded.

Kevin Magnussen

Exhausted, I lay in bed with Nico in my arms. He was asleep and I looked down at him. What have I done? He probably doesn't even want anything from me....

But why would HE have done it then? These thoughts plagued me all the time until I decided to get up and leave. I got dressed and left his room as quietly as I could.

On the way I met George, who just looked at me funny and blushed. I didn't think about it and entered my room. There I let myself fall on my bed and exhaled once loudly. At some point I fell asleep and was awakened by a knock.

I groaned once and then went to the door. I opened it and standing in front of me was Nico....

"Hello Nico" "Hello Kevin" He looked at me a bit dejectedly and I had to swallow. "I would like to know why you just leave..." I looked up at him and bit my lip. "I didn't know if it was the same for you as it was for me" My voice was just a little more than a huff, but he heard it anyway. "Would I have done it if I didn't love you?" He put his hand to my cheek and stroked it with his thumb. "You love me?" Again, my voice was just a breath. "Yes. I love you. More than anything else in this world" He was about to say something else when I cut him off by wrapping him in a kiss. He returned the kiss with everything he had and I lost myself in the moment. It was different than before. This kiss was all about showing our feelings. Nothing else.

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