Georgia sinks hers in one clean stroke using the bump and the back wall to roll into the hole. Jessie had the opposite happen to her she aimed straight but didn't have enough force behind the ball to push it over the hump.

She finishes hole one up two strokes. Hole two was pretty similar except for the small "ponds"/ puddles on either side giving players the options to the hug the wall and pray or send it down the middle between the bodies of water.

Georgia steps up first and gets just enough speed to roll straight and hit the back wall without it rebounding into the water it rolls about an inch from the hole and stops. It was so close a gust of wind would push it in. She quickly taps it in before scribbling down her score. Jessie hit the ball too hard off the wall and sent it into the pond calling for a two stroke penalty. She finishes the hole with rather unfortunate luck walking away with an extra 5 stroke putting her up by 6.

The rest of the course goes quite similarly with Georgia taking names on each hole, so much to the point where Jessie had accused her of cheating; she was clearly joking and seemingly harmless but Georgia could only hear her fathers voice shouting and cursing her out for cutting corners on a run when she hadn't in fact cut any corners. Did she hug the sideline yes but she had stayed on the perimeter of the field. That night was the 12th time she was raped.

Jessie seeing Georgia shut down jumped to action. This had happened the second night they had spent together. Jessie ravaged her mind trying to remember what she did to bring Georgia back to reality. She lead Georgia to a bench situated near by and sat her down before walking infront of the American. She squatted at the tall girls feet and gently placed her hands on the taut muscles rippling her forearms.

She slowly ran her hands up an down in slow soothing patterns. She knew from first hand experience that Georgia didn't like to be spoken too or restrained when she was slipping.

Georgia slowly started to win the battle in her head after about 6 minutes. Jessie stayed patient and in the squat even when her hamstrings and quads started to protest. She waited until Georgia was completely back to reality with minimized risk of slipping back into her headspace.

Georgia could only blink as she took in the shaken Canadian. "I'm sorry." Is all she can pathetically mumble. This was all her fault. If she would just stop being a baby then this could've been a nice day.

"Don't apologize. How about we head home."

"You sure I don't want to ruin the day."

"Yeah I'm sure. It's a little hot." Georgia knew she was lying as it was in the high 60's with a light breeze.

Georgia could only nod as Jessie led her out of the mini-golf course. Jessie handled returning everything and ordering an Uber which Georgia insisted on paying her back.

The Uber arrived quickly as it had been in the area. They catch a ride back to ash and Ali's house. Georgia uses the key under the fake rock and let's them in before restashing the key. The pair head back to Georgias room.

Georgia was almost sick with the thought of eating as she had missed 3 meals already. They walked into the room and Jessie shut the door watching curiously as Georgia stripped from the restrains of her shirt as well as her socks and shoes. She flopped down on the bed and gripped her pillow. Jessie didn't know what to do so she stood there as silently as she could while removing her shoes and socks. After about 2 minutes of the thick tension in the air she observed the movement rippling through Georgias body.

She was crying, well sobbing as labored gasps of air passed through quivering lips. Jessie laid in bed behind Georgia not touching her knowing Georgia was in a vulnerable state and has seen Georgia flip out after being touched while in this state. If Jessie was being honest she was scared, scared of Georgia. She was like a bomb you could remove the pin and guess how much time was left before it blew but you were never certain, she also knew just how strong Georgia was. So she laid still knowing Georgia would find her way into her arms when she was comfortable but would have to do it on her own accord even if it broke Jessie's heart watching her body rack from sons and broken gasps for air.

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