Cats Join the Family

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"I was thinking, we stream for sure on Wednesday our tasks, and we could do the same on Monday or Tuesday depending on the coffee shop schedule, then Friday and Saturday can be for video games."

"Saturday is when Tweek is opening mid-morning and closing in the early afternoon?"

"That's correct," I softly smile. "He's figuring out the best hours, and Craig is going to make sure he sticks to it. I can't believe that when I met Craig all those years ago, I thought he was worse than Cartman," I chuckle.

"Eric has his moments," Krystal speaks up. "Sorry, didn't mean to barge into your conversation like that."

"You're just saying that because you're dating him," Nicole teases from her place on the other air mattress. "Cartman made a lot of our lives hell, and even if we've grown up, and he is still our friend in some way, you have to admit he can be insufferable at times."

"Cartman grew up with too much being handed to him," Wendy states as she walks back into the room. "Liane has always been a single mother, and I don't blame her for all the struggles she went through, but at some point she should have put her foot down. I've butted heads with him more times than I can count. I probably always will. I'm not saying he can't change, though. There's still a possibility he can cut out his horrible habits, but it isn't up to you to ensure that he does."

Krystal lets out a sigh, "I know. Still, I'm not treating him like a child when he does something wrong. I'm not his mother, I'm his girlfriend, so all I can do is point out that sometimes what he says is rude, and hope that he learns from it."

"He's not the same boy that I remember from all those years ago, which is probably a good thing," I chuckle. "Okay, we don't have to talk about that anymore. All of us are in relationships and doing the best we can for the one we love. Each of our relationships is unique and special."

"You're the only one that has moved in with your significant other, though," Nicole smiles. "What's that been like?"

"I asked her that right when she got here," Wendy chuckles, plopping down on the couch. "Red is the only one who has been over to your apartment, and I'm surprised you haven't hosted a little housewarming party."

"I will," I wave her off. "I've been busy trying to settle in, get everything out of boxes, figure out how to live with another person, two other people! Then we're getting two cats tomorrow, so that has taken up a lot of brain. Kenny's buying all the things we need tonight, actually. Not to mention, Tweek is looking into a therapy dog, so I help him with that sometimes. Anyways, I promise that I'll have everyone over for a party before the summer ends."

"That's all fine and dandy, but all we want to know about what it's like living with Kenny?" Bebe shakes her head.

"Oh, yes, that was the question." I feel my cheeks starting to heat up. "Well, living with Kenny has been amazing. He almost always makes breakfast for the three of us, and then the two of us will make lunch or dinner together if we feel up to it. Not always something from scratch, but it is still fun to be in the kitchen with him even if we are making something like boxed mac and cheese. He's always felt like home to me, so being able to actually go home and he's there, it is just wonderful. It is a warmth that can't be described."

"Come on," Nicole whines. "That's great and all, but what about the dirty little details. Like, how messy is he? Or does he tread water everywhere after a shower? Or anything that drives you up the wall?"

"Neither of us are messy. At least, I don't think we are. We both do our best to keep our space clean, but I guess we haven't lived there for too long. Not to be TMI, but Kenny and I have shared a lot of showers, but we don't drench the floor when we get out."

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