Our eyes met and my heart started to throb painfully "you can come to me when you don't have anyone to lean in. I'll love you with everything I have" he reached out to cup my cheek

"But Jungkook-"

He smiled, lips almost on top of mine as he whispers huskily

  "He doesn't have to know"

Those faint memories haunted me when Jungkook steps in my doorstep and engulfs me in a warm and loose embrace. A bouquet of flowers in his hands "good evening, I love you"

He pushed the flowers in my hands and blood started to drip down to the floor, he offered me a rose filled with thorns and made it sure I felt it, his love.

"I picked them up and thought about you from the bottom of my heart" Before leaving me alone to go to the kitchen, he murmured in my ear. my eyes glanced at the trail of blood in my hand that stained my dress

A tear followed the blood on the floor

Love is toxic

It makes my pain go away


Dahyun started to cry when she saw both my hands wrapped in bandages "he's so evil I can feel it a hundred kilometers away" she said, staring at my bandaged hand "we should murder him and throw him under Han River!"

"That's illegal"

"Tzuyu, I know he's going to hurt you more when you ask him to break up. I don't want you to get stabbed with a knife next!" she dramatically shakes both my shoulders, I don't even want to think about it

"He's so scary Tzuyu! yesterday Jimin and I saw him minutes before catching you two!" she confessed causing me to snap my head towards her "you saw him?" she nods

"we dragged him around and he got mad I swear to God I thought I died when he glared us" she said in a serious tone, eyes bulging up from the intense emotions "well, thanks to you two he shoved some roses with thorns in my hand"

He wasn't leaving until he saw blood coming out from my hands, that sadistic bastard
"I'm really worried. Don't you think he's psychotic or something like that? he seems sick in the head"

Say no more, he's crazy.

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to. We were worried he'd punch Taehyung to death if he saw you two strolling together" she explained, her voice a mixture of innocence and sadness "It's alright, thank you for caring" I said


"What are you two talking about?" Jimin asked as he sat down next to us, handing each of us a carton of banana milk while sipping his own, and of course, taking the seat next to her "I told her about Jungkook last night" she said

"Traumatizing" he laughed, then looked at me and then at my hands, which made his smile fade "What happened to your hands?" he asks, his eyes trembling with concern

"Apparently, Jungkook shoved some thorny roses on her hands" Dahyun stated and I didn't like it when I saw that look on his face; I hated it when people pitied me "It's fine. I'm used to it" I said

Those harsh words, his insensitivities, and his love to give me pain and tears. They're a never-ending loop to which I've got used to

It was then that I felt someone next to me that I saw Dahyun's pupil dilate. Her body tensed up and I knew what that meant "what's with the cold shoulder?" he asked me with that daring voice

He fondled both of my bleeding hands, grumbling from the sight of his own doings "you're too sensitive" he murmured before laughing loudly "why are you quiet Jimin?"

"Cuz I need to take a dump" he said, laughing the tense atmosphere away. I hope Jungkook would get the point that he's unwelcomed here and that he's making both of them silent

"Where's Taehyung?" He said and I did hope to get a response from that. I haven't seen him around the campus all day "he's sick" Jimin answered and threw a quick glance

Dahyun almost fainted when Jungkook looked at her "so you're dating Jimin?" he asked nicely and she nodded, as if she would get killed if she replied any sooner "Y-yes!"

"What about you. Where have you been yesterday?" he asked me in a quiet voice while squeezing my hands more that I felt blood coming out again, I widen my eyes seeing my bandages bleed "can I have some alone time with her?"

Jungkook smiled at them and Dahyun's face looked like she was drained and exhausted, Jimin sighs standing up before grabbing Dahyun's wrist "yes, we'll be going now" my bestfriend looked back at me almost crying again when they walked away

"I was out with Dahyun" I explained and swat his hands away when I felt blood oozing out, my eyes were stinging with tears "you're so emotional, I hate it"

"Why are you always hurting me" my hands was starting to hurt all over again but all he did was laugh at my statement "I don't know what you're talking about" he leaned close to whisper in my ears "I thought you loved flowers, so I gave you some"

"I did that because I love you"

He wrapped his arms around me sideways and kissed my cheeks "you're overthinking things, getting upset over nothing"

My everything is nothing to him


I went inside the apartment and he follows staring at the man sitting like a king on my couch before turning to look at me "what's wrong? are you feeling shy?" he reached his hand out for me to take and I knew well enough what he was planning

"give me your hands, that blood isn't enough" I took a step back and he stands up from my reaction

he laughed, almost mocking my reaction "babe, come here" he urged me, eyes dangerously burning my soul off as I failed to do as he instructed

"Oh, so you wanna play like this?" he smirked walking towards me while reaching out to touch me and I hit the table's edge, sliding down to the floor as he cups both my cheeks and squeezed them towards him "why won't you accept my love?"

"You're not going anywhere until you break" he laughs, fingers slowly lingering down to my hands and squeezes them like a toy "I'm gonna fuck you up till you're barely breathing"

Tears started to fall and small whimpers came out from my mouth in defeat, I hate it when he dominates me, this way of asserting your place is too much "please let me go"

"I said you're staying here until you can't even recognize who you are" the veins in his hands were bulging in his skin and his knuckles were turning white from the power he was asserting to make my hand bleed which suceeded

"Say it, doll. You are mine and mine alone" he grunts, forcing me to say the words that would please him "SAY IT!"

"I hate you" my chest heaves up and down as he grabs a fistful of my hair, he pulled me up along with him before raising his hand ready to hit me when the door opens

"Hyung, I think I forgot my-"

Taehyung walked in on us and his face lost it's hue when he saw the blood dripping down my hands

"What? what did you forget?" Jungkook sets aside his rage and his hands slip away from my hair, he turned to the speechless man in front of us "I um..."

"What did you forget, Taehyung?" Jungkook pressed in an impatient tone

"I forgot" he smiled

Until | TaetzuWhere stories live. Discover now