"Oh my god...." I gasp out and start panicking. I start hyperventilating which must've got the creatures attention. I crawl back as far back into the cage as I can. Tears rush down my face as a scream gets stuck in my throat as it peers in at me from the top. It opens the top of the cage and sprays something at me.

I feel my body become heavy and my eyes droop. As I drift off to sleep in fear all I can think is how I'm back with a monster after I just escaped one.


Draboo's POV

In the outskirts of the city I find a male and female curled up together next to a fire alone in the woods. They chirp to eachother as they look up to the stars. They have eachother so I decide to leave them alone hoping they are okay and not abandoned.

I continue in the woods full of families sent off into the dangerous wilderness by their people, a cruel custom that is reserved for the most horrible criminals in my colony. It just shows how primitive these being are no matter how intelligent. While the Kitronas (humans) can learn and mimic they will never be more intelligent than a 6 year old Trana and no stronger than a kit (toddler trana).

I find a female all alone out here lying in the open next to a fire. She doesn't seem to understand the danger she is in being out in the open lying on nothing but some fabric. I approach quietly and spray her with the sedative. I chant a spell quietly to put out the flame. Trana have minor control over the elements of the world but specialize in only a couple. Trana of the royal line are the only ones who can Master them all, and no one else can Master the element of life itself.

On my way back to the cloaked ship the sun starts to brighten the world around us. Another day on earth begins and another quota unfulfilled, until I spot a male running through the forest. He looks out of breath and must be trying to run from something.

I set down the female in my arms and sneak behind the male easily keeping up with my long strides. A quick spray makes him stumble until I catch him and he falls into a deep slumber. I carry him back to retrieve the female and take the pair to the safety of my ship.

When I enter the first male is awake, but the small one is still peacefully asleep despite the male's chirps to her. When he sees me enter and place the male and female in their respective kennels he yells and growls at me with an aggressive look on his face. No matter, in time I can tame him down, though it will be difficult considering his older age.

The female I just brought in stirs already and peers up at me with a look of wonder on her face. She chirps to herself ("Man, I am really tripping.") and starts laughing uncontrollably before wiping liquid from her face and eyes. She stares at me with her head tilted and reaches out to touch me. I put my hand in her kennel against my better judgment. Her gentle hand touches my fingers and quickly withdraws, her eyes growing wide and chirps again. ("What the fuck. This is real?!)

I withdraw my hand and close the top of her kennel. The other male bolts upright and looks around. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a rectangle with light coming from it. He touches it with his fingers a few times and holds it up to his ear. A beeping sound comes from it and the male touches his face and shakes his head before making a loud chirp. ("Fuck.")

I chuckle and move to the control system to set the ship's course to home. As I do so I hear a lovely little chirp and varying chirps back. I peek over at them conversing with the little one. She looks over at me and I see the fear in her eyes before hiding. Her breathing becomes erratic and I can hear gasping.

It's not that uncommon for Kitronas to become like this seeing a creature much bigger than their own. No matter, I will sedate her until we get home and set her up an enclosure. I get up and open the top hatch to her kennel. She looks up at me and I can hear her heart beating fast. If I am not careful she could hurt herself in this state.

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