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"Luisa you gotta get up." I rolled over and looked at Y/n who was shaking me slightly "I know." It came out as a tired/barely woke up mumble "hey Y/n?" I heard her give a quiet sigh "yeah Fall?" I felt the bed shift as she moved "have you seen my...you know? I had it out last night when I was in the shower and lost it when I tried slipping it in my bag before you knew about it." I sat up and turned so my feet were off the side of the bed and touching the ground "why did you even bring something like that? You have a hand you know." I held back from giggling.

"Because I like the way it-" Y/n interupeted her "shhttt I dont want you to finish that. I asked why you brought it not why you prefer it." I stretched and stood up heading to the bathroom while they looked around the room for whatever it was they were looking for "yeah well I just heard why'd you and automatically just assumed I knew what you were going to ask." I heard Falls arms slap her side "yeah well look where it got you." I looked to the side of the tub where a small blue object sat and bkushed when I realized what it was.

"Uh guys is this what she's looking for?" I finished up in the bathroom before opening the door and motioning to where it sat "yep thats it. Fall get your vibrator and put it in your bag." Fall squoze in past me "hehe sorry Y/n." When she walked by her Y/n gave a slight smack to the back of Falls head "hey what was that for?" Y/n just gave her a death glare then went on with what she was doing before she woke me up.

As we were getting ready to leave the city there were screams from people sounding like they were in a panic, so naturally we all turned around to look and seen someone stuck under one of the busses (can't remember the correct term for them) that were close enough to the ground they couldn't just pull them out.

Everyone was running over and trying to get it to tilt enough to get them out, but couldn't get it too, so more people came over and they all tried, but couldn't. There wasn't enough people.

"Luisa come on." I watched Y/n take off running towards it all and followed realizing what was going on and that I needed to help "vigía." They parted as we made our way through to where the person was "ok Luisa when you lift I'll pull them out ok?" She looked at me and I nodded "just dont-" I lifted it up and held it above my head "never mind." She quickly grabbed the person and pulled them out of the way with the help of a few others then I sat the bus down where it was "here give this to them." I handed Y/n some of mamás food "Luisa-" I interupeted her "just this once." She sighed and took it before feeding it to the person who was very confused.

"Is it working?" She nodded "yeah it is." The person got up completely fine when before they couldn't even stand "gracias señora Y/n, gracias señora Luisa." I didn't know what to do. I got an occasional thank you back home, but never one that was crying while saying it other then the one time when Antonio almost got crushed by a rock.

As we left everyone's attention was on me and some looks weren't very nice "Luisa come on. Hurry." She took my hand and started going as fast as she could "hey what are you-" I heard feet behind me running "hey!" I turned to look and seen a big crowd chasing us. Some people I could tell had bad intentions, but most were just going to be greedy "up we go." I placed Y/n on my shoulder then swooped Fall up and placed her on my other one as I started running.

When we got to where they couldn't find us or follow us which was the river where the miracle happened we all stayed quiet. They had been following us for the last two days, so as soon as we got across the river I picked the other two up again "be quiet. They might follow the animal trail across the river." Y/n looked up at me "no I thought they'd follow the river." Fall tried to contain her laughter as did I and Y/n "gosh darn it Y/n." She smiled at me "sorry. I couldn't contain myself."

We waited for a long time making sure we lost them for good before heading into Encanto.

"Hey Y/n." She looked at her cousin "yeah?" Fall smirked "wanna hear a joke?" I watched Y/ns eyes light up "yes I do." They both looked at me "what about you Luisa do you want to hear a joke?" I shrugged and nodded "sure." Fall stayed a quiet a moment "sorry had to decide what one to tell you guys. Ok what does KFC and a woman have in common?" I watched Y/ns face go dead straight before grinning and going red "I've heard this one before." She started giggling a little "Luisa?" I shrugged "I don't know. What?" We were just getting ready to walk through town towards Casita.

"When you're done with the breast you have a greasy box to put your bone in." They both burst into laughter, but I didn't get it "Luisa why aren't you laughing?" I rubbed my neck "I dont get it." Y/n bit her lip to stop laughing then stepped infront of me to stop me Fall right at her side "ok so you know what adult toys are right?" I blushed and nodded "yeah" Y/n nodded "ok and you know what sex is?" This conversation was starting to get a little uncomfortable.

"Uh...yeah why does it-?" It clicked to me on what the joke was and I covered my face while looking down and b-lined for la Casita "see you guys later." I shut the doors behind me and stayed there for a second "Luisa honey are you alright?" Dolores stepped over to the top of the stairs and looked at me "I told them you were almost home an hour ago." Then she disappeared "yes mamá I'm alright." She felt my forehead "are you sure your face is so warm and red?" I nodded "yes mom I'm fine. Just need a rest."

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now