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I walked through town looking for Blake who took it upon himself to run to Casita when we walked by it earlier and now is with one if the Madrigals again.

"Hey Alma have you seen Blake?" She nodded "yes hes right here. How do you always lose him? What are you doing that makes him want to be with us instead of you?" I sighed "I dont know, but can I have him please?" She shook her head "not if he keeps coming back to us. You need to learn to keep an eye on him. You don't ever pay attention to him." I sighed again wanting to lose it on her "I do keep an eye on him Alma. All the time. I give him as much attention as I can. You know how hard it is to be a single parent. Don't hate on me when I have to work and take care of him. I try my best." She scoffed "I could manage three babies on my own how can you not-" I had enough "because you were handed a 'miracle' is why you could manage it. Everyone has always loved you and respected you including me even when you treat me badly sometimes. You've always been handed what you have including food, but I have to work for it. The things you have worked for has always been easy. I can't juggle a baby that can walk and run and a business by myself. So please if you have advice give it to me instead of criticizing me or just help me like you do everyone else. Everyone in your family would drop anything they are doing to help others including me, so please be like them and help everyone including me."

She stood there staring at me. I never once raised my voice or made it stern, just talked to her normal.

"I try to keep the peace between me and you because you can be so kind, but what is it with me that you can't be nice to me anymore? I love it here in Encanto and never want to leave again, but I cant handle you. I feel like Mirabel did before and when the house cracked. Why am I not ok with you? I know its not from me being me and I know its not my sexuality. So please explain to me why you treat me badly at times and just like everyone else other times." She hesitated "...because you remind me of mi armor Pedro. Thats why I treat you badly and don't want you in my family. It pains me to see you because you act like him and say things he most likely would've." I sighed "thank you for telling me that. Please understand I dont do it on purpose." I looked away from her.

"My dad was the same way as my mamá. Thats where I got it from." She sighed "I'm sorry Y/n. Its not fair to you. I can try to accept you into the family. Besides, Dolores slipped up the other day about you and Luisa. I can't stop you two from being together or having feeling for one another. Just dont be sneaking in la Casita to see her anymore." I went red "I had a feeling you knew or were going to find out soon." She gave a small laugh "heres Blake." She handed him to me "just know I wont be able to fix everything between me and you right away or without your help."

I nodded understanding what she was saying "I know and for all I know we may never be ok with eachother fully, but so long as we get along enough to make Luisa and the family happy thats all that matters. Also some of the things you've said to Luisa is bull." She chuckled nervously "you know about that?" I nodded "yeah I do. I was there one of the nights. Its not cool." She went to defend herself, but she stopped a second "...I didn't know you were there. I'll keep quiet from now on. I was just scared she wouldn't be able to carry on our family legacy if she got together with you." Did I just intimidated this lady? You bet. How? I have no clue, but if it keeps her from coming after me and Luisa I'm happy.

You took Blake to see Luisa who was fixing fence where the donkeys were kept outside the barn.

"Hey Lu." She glanced up at me "hey hermosa." She was frustrated over something "you ok?" She sighed and wiped the sweat from her brow "no I can't get this to stay." I looked at how she was trying to do it "do you have a hammer?" She nodded "yeah, I have two why?" She handed one to me when I held out my hand "hold him for a second." She took him and watched what I did. "If you get on the opposite side of the fence and place the wire between the two prongs in the hammer close to the fence post like this and then pull like so and find something to keep it there you can get one of the fence post nails and put it over the wire and pound it in before removing the hammer from the wire. Its usually a two person job, but one person can do it." I showed her how to do it by yourself then took Blake as she tried and she finished up the fence not long after.

"Hey thanks." I smiled "you're welcome." She pulled me close to her and acted like she was going to kiss me, but hugged me instead then started placing kisses all over my face making me start laughing.

As she did this I was able to move my head to where she landed a kiss on my lips "slick nick." I smiled at her and she sat me down about the time we heard someone approaching us calling Luisas name.

"Luisa, Luisa are you done with the fence?" She took Blake from me and placed him on her shoulders so he could hold onto her hair and not fall off plus she had ahold of his feet anyway "yeah I am. What do you need?" He stopped dead in his tracks "are you on a break? Cause if you are and your spending time with your family then-" she shook her head "no its not my break yet." He sighed relieved "I need you to come move some boulders. They fell around my house and I dont mind, but I cant see the town because of it." She nodded "on it."

I followed her to make sure she didn't need me to take Blake and she didn't, but Blake thought it was the coolest thing in the world to see Luisa lift something like that above his head "Luisa strong." I felt tears well up in my eyes since he almost never talked fully unless it had to do with Luisa or me "what?" She took him off her shoulders and looked at him "Luisa." Her bottom lip quivered "Y/n he's talking." I giggled and wiped my tears away "I know. He almost never does and communicates through sounds and some sign language unless it has to do with me or you." I seen happy tears roll down her face. Did she really love this little boy as much as me?

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