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"Why do I feel like this?" I looked at my mother who patted my back "oh Luisa just give it time and you'll figure these things out. How are you feeling? Sick? Too warm?...butterflies?" I looked away from her "I dont know. I've never felt this way before." She placed her hand on my forehead "you do feel a bit warm. Did you get enough to drink today? Do you have a headache?" I sighed and groaned at the same time "I just dont know." I was starting to get frustrated about what I was feeling.

I had feelings for one person when I was little and these feelings were similar, but different at the same time and it frustrated me because I was over-thinking it all.

"Hey Bruno." I accidentally slammed the door open making him jump "y-yes Luisa?" I rubbed the back of my neck "sorry for scaring you, but I was gonna ask if you've had any visions lately. Like about me?" He scratched his face "yeah, but it was out of order like the one about Mirabel." I shrugged "that's ok."

As he told me what he seen I stood there trying to figure it all out and prepare myself for the moment.

That night I laid in bed thinking about my feelings, did I like her as a friend? A sister? Was I leaning in when she was? What all happened that lead up to that? I couldn't think straight and everytime I thought back to her laying on me laughing in the river my face would flush red and I'd groan from frustration. I fell asleep thinking about it all and how I may like her. If it was more then a friendship kind or not.

Luisas dream:

"Mirabel Y/n is here." I sat up in bed with a quick jolt "how can I look at her after yesterday?" I just pushed the feeling aside and knew it was best if I faced her now rather than later.

"Luisa get up. The donkeys are out again and you still need breakfast. " I sighed "coming." I got dressed and headed out hoping there wasn't going to be any awkward silence. As we all sat up Y/n even helped a little here and there until everything was ready and we all sat down to eat. Just as I feared there was silence for quite a while and my eye was starting to have small twitches in it every few minutes

"...thank you for having me over Alma. I really appreciate it." Everyone stopped for a moment not believing Abuela had invited her "its my pleasure cariño." We all gave her a weird look. Since when did she approve of Y/n? "Mirabel please show Y/n around she will be staying with us for a while." I almost choked on my food "Luisa are you ok?" I nodded "never been better." I watched Y/n stand up "I made this for you Alma. To show my appreciation for letting me stay here." It was a hand made dress that looked absolutely beautiful. It was the same color as the one Abuela had on now, but had each of us sewn into it "o-oh...thank you." She walked over and handed it to her before going back over next to Mirabel and sitting down to continue eating.

When we finished eating we all dispersed to where we needed to go and for some reason the people of the village weren't watching her with very kind eyes and were following her in the direction of her home. I knew better then to follow or stick my nose into others business, but I decided once I got the donkeys in the barn I'd follow to see what was going on.

As I walked through the village I noticed there weren't very many people like normal, but there was smoke rising from where Y/ns house stood, so I ran as fast as I could to see what was up.

"Burn her out!" "Remove her from the village!" "She doesn't belong here!" I could hear all of this and only imagined the worst and frankly it was the worst. "Y/n!" I rammed through the side of her house and found her with her knees pulled to her chest as she chewed her finger nails "get up we have to get out of here. It's going up in flames." She shook her head no "what do you mean no? You either die or come with me and I'm not letting you die." I picked her up and placed her on her feet then ushered her out the now huge hole in her house just as it started to fall and collapse behind us.

Once we got outside the house and it collapsed the rest of the way the villagers started towards her, so she hid behind me.

"Luisa you don't understand. Let us just drive her away." I shook my head "I can't let you do that. Its wrong." They all started shouting at her and calling her names "if you want to get to her you have to go through me." I crouched down and prepared for someone to jump at the chance "and I dont think you all want to do that do you?" They all fell silent before leaving without another word and once they were all gone I stood up straight and made sure she didn't have any burns or other problems "are you hurt? Burned? Cut?" She only shook her head "no I'm fine. We can-we can leave now. I can't retrieve my stuff even if I wanted to. It's all burned now."

I clenched my jaw a little before taking a deep breath in then letting it go slowly "ok we can go then." I didn't understand why I felt the need to be so protective over her. I mean I was a little protective over everyone, but for some reason I wanted to be there for her through everything and not let anyone hurt her. Ever.

I looked back every now and then to make sure she was still there as we made our way to Casita and upon arriving called out for Abuela to tell her what happened.

Dream interupeted

"Luisa get up." I sat up quickly breathing hard as Mirabel and Isabella banged on my door "ok ok I'm up." It was time to start the day.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now