Chapter 33 (Colette) Complications

Start from the beginning

"Of course it is, Jacquelyn." Mom was about to say something else—maybe something to the effect of go fuck yourself. At least that's what I would've said. But Blaise came up behind us and grabbed my mother's arm. She almost dropped her half-full martini glass, "Blaise, what is it?"

He was texting. He didn't even notice Jacquelyn. In fact, he practically pushed her out of the way.

"Pigs are on their way. Go get the coats and get the cars. Where's Kylie?" I was in the middle of enjoying his dismissal of stupid Jacquelyn Tracy when the words snapped me back to reality. Holy shit! Cops?

Mom almost walked through Jacquelyn Tracy who was getting ready to say something that would come off concerned but be degrading and rude. My mother shoved her aside, "Excuse me, Jacquelyn. Enjoy the rest of your night."

As we left the bar area, I heard Jacquelyn huff, "Unbelievable...I need to find Gunner."

"I'll find Kylie," I said to Blaise as we moved through the stuffy party guests. This shit was getting real.

Blaise took the valet ticket out of his pocket, "Get my car too."

"Why are the cops here? How did you find out, Blaise?" My mom was trying not to panic. But each step closer to the door just brought on more panic. And people started noticing us move through party.

"They're coming for Kylie. I just got a text from my guy on the force." He explained then barked at me, "Where is Kylie? I'll get her. Not you."

"I think she's with Matt Tracy," I wished I didn't have to relay that information. Blaise's face turned beet red. But Kylie chose the wrong side. She was supposed to be with The Dip. That was the plan. Not Matt Tracy. She whatever lecture she had coming from Blaise.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He shouted as we walked into another party room, slowly moving closer to the exit. A bunch of people turned to look at who cursed. Blaise didn't care. Mom broke off from the group to go to get our coats. I followed Blaise. My brother was like a bull, He moved guests out of his way with not so much as an excuse me.

Then Blaise found Ben Carrick, "Yo, where's ya boy?" He got right up in Ben's face. Ben looked like he just shit his pants. My brother was bigger than everyone. He worked out like six hours a day, had a reputation for throwing people through windows (true story), and was the son of public enemy number one. Ben had like two seconds to come up with a correct answer.

But I always knew Ben was dumbass. He stepped away, "Bro, calm down. Who are you talking about?"

Blaise grabbed his lapels, "I'm not your bro. Where's Matt?"

"Why do you need him?" Ben squeaked. Was he completely retarded? My brother was milliseconds away from ruining Ben's face. Blaise talked with his hands and apologized later. Much good a broken jaw would do at the Long Island wedding of the century.

I stepped in between them before this got worse, "We need to find Kylie. So where is Matt?" I tried to be calm but I was shouting at Ben too.

"I think he's in Gunner's office."

Blaise's patience was nonexistent, "Where the fuck is that, rich boy?"

I pulled Blaise away before Ben could think of something smart to say. I don't think Ben Carrick realized how insanely lucky he was that I kind of liked him. He wouldn't be saying smart-ass things with his jaw wired shut for two months.

"I know where it is." I said to Blaise. "I saw them go that way."
"Isn't that fucking romantic? She's fucking around with some tool she dated in high school while real shit is going down."

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