VampireKeith x ServantLance

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Keith brought the glass of milk to his lips. Lance put a finger to his lips,"Don't you dare. Not again!" Keith stared him straight eyes and took a sip. Lance groaned and grabbed the lactose intolerant pills,"Eat." Keith rolled his eyes with a playful smile and took the pills he needed. "You need to stop doing that, or else you'll be in pain 24/7." Lance continued to scold Keith, but Keith wasn't having it. He placed a hand on Lance's head and ruffled his hair. "I'm fine. I have you with me to..take care of me." He smiled tiredly and Lance turned beet red. He humphed,"Shut up."

Their relationship was funny and sarcastic sometimes, constantly getting into stupid small playful fights.

Then came Visitor days.

This time, it was Axca and Ezor. Lance's eyes twitched when he saw them,"Hey, how's Mama and Papa and the others? Did they get the money I sent?" Ezor nodded, her red ponytail swishing to the side,"Yup, Maria's birthday was filled with toys and dresses. Thanks, I guess." Axca was always serious,"How do you get this money? What is your job again?" Lance sighed,"I'm Head Servant to Master Kogane. I get paid well, thank goodness." Ezor's eyes widened,"W-Woah. That's better than our jobs." Acxa nodded,"Can we have a tour of the mansion?"

Lance ended up taking them around the mansion, and with every grand room and jewels and clothes, the pit of jealousy bubbled in their hearts. Ezor sighed,"So you work for Mr.Kogane? Is he nice?" Lance smiled for the first time that day. Keith had excused him from work to see his family and Lance was so overjoyed he hugged him. He remembered the feeling when Keith's shock evaporated and they held each other closely. He remembered Keith's hand rest on his head and ruffle his hair like always. "He's wonderful and so amazing. He's kind and sweet and never mistreats a servant. Sometimes, he'll go in the Servant's Wing and add a gold coin under the pillows as thank you. He thinks no one notices but I do."

Ezor was done. Lance was living the dream. Wonderful master and beautiful home. She smiled sadly,"Oh Lance, how naive you are. I'm sorry." Lance scowled silently,"What do you mean?" Axca went along,"This master of yours...he seems so sweet. But he's a vampire. It's naturally foolish to think vampires will care for you. They only want your service and...blood." Ezor's eyes widened,"You need to get out of here!!Who knows when he's gonna act upon you and kill you, eating your flesh and drinking your blood." Lance felt his face heat up,"You're kidding, right?! Keith would never do that!I think it might be a myth that vampires drink blood." Axca shuddered,"It's not. We've seen the world. The world is a cruel place. You need to act before he does." Lance gulped, not realizing he was falling in their trap,"What do you mean?" Ezor grabbed his hands, shaking,"Kill him. End it. You'll be fine, the court won't find out. You'll be secretive. You'll run away and join us, your family." Lance started to shake,"N-No! Are you insane?!" Axca growled,"He hates you, Lance! How long has it been since we've seen you?! He wants you to forget us! To serve him, don't fall for it!" Lance sighed,"I-I don't know."

Ezor started to weep. "Oh Lance, what will our family do if you don't kill him! You won't be there to support us and we'll be like we were before! You'll be dead!" Lance flinched. Axca sighed,"It's your decision. We'll leave in the meantime. Hopefully, we'll see you again. Brother."

Lance entered Keith's room that night, shaking and with a lamp in his hand and the other...a knife. He held back his tears. What if they were right? He needed to do this...He lifted the lamp over Keith's face. His skin glowed beautifully and his lips were parted, his chest rising and falling with steady breaths. Lance blinked his eyes. He fell in love with this vampire, he knew it. He raised the blade over his head and it all happened so fast. Keith grabbed his wrist and held his waist. The lamp fell to the ground and the fire went out quickly, the rug somehow magically untouched. Keith twisted his wrist gently, but enough so that Lance cried out in pain and the knife fell out his hands. They stared at each other for a quick second and Keith flipped him around, pinning him to the bed. Lance's eyes widened, seeing the wide awake calm vampire in front of him. He felt the cool tears on his cheeks finally, he hadn't realized he started crying. Keith's face was furrowed and sorta hurt. Lance felt the guilt slap him like a million bricks. He started to sob, horrible and a mess. His voice broke,"I-I'm" He hiccuped between words and just... cried. Keith's face immediately softened and instead of gripping his wrist, he let go and laced their fingers together tightly. His hand shaking, reached up and ran through Lance's hair. Lance's took his free hand to hide his face and tears and guilt. His forearms covered his face and Keith reached towards it, pulling it down. Lance was still crying, hard and quiet. His cheeks were puffy and red. Pity and love for his servant hit Keith's heart like an arrow. He ran his fingers through Lance's hair again and this time leaned in, faces and lips centimeters apart,"Lance."

He bent down and captured his lips in a soft kiss. Lance's eyes widened but the love and affection made him melt into it. But only for a second. His sobs were uncontrollable and he gasped as e tore away and his head moved to the side, ashamed and tears still running down. "Keith, stop! Stop it, stop it!I don't deserve you!" Keith couldn't help himself and gripped the back of Lance's head, breathing in and kissing him again, harder this time. Lance kept on crying, more and more with every kiss. Every time, Lance had to pull away to breathe because his sobs were too much and so were Keith's kisses. 

Keith grabbed Lance's other hand and intertwined their fingers too. After every kiss, Lance would beg him to stop for he didn't deserve it. Keith let go of him and cupped his cheeks, Lance squirming around and yelling how Keith couldn't care for him the same way he did for Keith after what he'd done. Keith finally spoke,"Lance, just-Lance! Please just listen to me." Lance still had his eyes shut tight,"Please, just let me leave and never come back!" Keith flinched,"Is that what you...want?" Lance shook his head, trying to stop his tears by shut his eyes tighter,"Of course not! It's just better! You shouldn't have me around, I just tried to-!" He broke down again, the thought of stabbing Keith aching him more and more than before. Keith's eyebrows furrowed, trying to talk to him,"Lance, please! I'm not mad." Lance's eyes burst open in shock,"W-What?! You're not mad?"

Keith shook his head,"I heard what your sister said and I knew you were gonna do it out of precaution, but I knew you wouldn't be able to go through with it." Lance wept, but it was less and less. "How did you..?"He went quiet and he looked away in embarrassment,"Oh.." Keith smiled softly,"I kinda figured it out not so long ago." Lance groaned,"Fuck..."Keith leaned in closer,"I know you want me." Lance turned even more red. "But I want you too." Lance was like mush under Keith,"...Really?"He asked, softly. Keith pressed tiny kissed to his neck, Lance whimpered under his touch,"..Keith.." Keith looked up,"Don't be mad at yourself, it's okay." Keith leaned in and closed his eyes, forehead against forehead and he whispered,"I love you." Lance started at him in shock, then felt his eyes become glassy and he wiped them with his sleeve,"Keith, god." Keith had enough, so be bent down again and kissed him, parting their lips open. Their fingers laced together again and Keith tilted his head. Lance suddenly felt weak from all the thrashing around and when their tongues touched-god.

Keith moved his lips against his, Lance giving out a muffled groan about it. Keith felt Lance press their bodies together and next thing he knew, he was hooking his hand under his knee and holding him. Lance pulled away, lips a swollen red. Keith kept on kissing him

The next morning, Lance found himself half-naked with love bites on his neck. He looked around frantically, wide awake. We didn't do it...did we? Keith was still wearing his robe and this time he had shorts on. Lance was thankful, not yet. Soon.

He quickly got dressed and his memories returned. He bit his lip. How could Keith love him? He sighed and realized his clothes were wrinkled. He blushed and ran to the Servant's Quarters and changed. He went to Hunk and picked up breakfast. He went to the room and opened the door. Keith was already awake, for the first time and his hair was wild and tangled(from Lance) and his eyes were tired and his robe was slipping off his shoulder. Lance walked in and placed the food next to Keith on the nightstand and took a few steps back. It was safer this way.

Keith didn't look at him. Maybe he realized how horrible I am. Keith spoke,"Take a step forward." Lance did so and when he did, Keith instantly grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed, hugging him tightly and kissing his hair,"I love you." Lance laughed, tears wetting the red robe. "I love you too." Keith kissed him repeatedly and Lance felt warmer than the sun.

Lance didn't talk to Ezor or Acxa after that. The sisters moved away and Keith decided to let the McClains come and live in the mansion.

Then Lance was promoted.

To Husband

The End

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