Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"I was hoping you'd say that!"  Her golden brown eyes lit up and a wide smile stretched across her beautiful face as she rubbed in the dry shampoo and grabbed a brush. Kendra had a natural talent for doing hair, but she was also really skilled at public relations, which of course paid better.

"Your hair is seriously the most fun to work with!", she exclaimed, brushing it out.  "It has gotten so long!"

"I know". It was touching my waist, but until I straightened it, I didn't realize. When I left it curly, which was pretty much all the time now, it was a good four inches shorter than it was straight.

Kendra started sectioning off hair.

"Oh, honey, these are beautiful!", she exclaimed, noticing my diamond earrings. "Did Brad get you these?"

"Rev, actually", I said, watching myself turning pink in the mirror. She looked over my head and her eyes met my reflection.

"Paige...", she started, with a frown.

"They're tracking devices", I volunteered quickly. "Brad knows and he's not happy about it, only because Rev didn't run it past him first".

"I can imagine", she said, shaking her head. "I like the extra step, though".

"Me, too", I agreed. It was very comforting to think that Rev could find me anywhere in the world.

Forty-five minutes later, I had a magazine-worthy updo. Kendra had a thick braid running along the top and left side of my head a couple inches back from my hairline. This merged into a low knot at the base of my neck, formed by two braids wrapped around each other. With as much hair as I had, the effect was a really tidy mass of hair at the back of my head. She framed my face with some loose waves and sprayed everything thoroughly with hair spray. Then she took pictures of every angle before I got up.

"This is incredible, Kendra! Thank you so, so much!"

"My pleasure", she beamed.

"Gianna is going to be a lucky little girl once she gets some hair for you to play with", I joked.

"Yes! I can't wait for that!", she said, laughing.


Brad filled Andy in on everything that had happened over the last week.

"That's pretty fucked up", Andy agreed, looking frustrated. "I'm starting to regret having called him".

"He's been helpful...he's just a pain in my ass. It's like he purposely wants to get at me and I'm not exactly sure why other than he's maybe interested in Paige...but he says he's not".

"You asked him?", Andy chuckled. "That's why I like you!"

"I asked if he was trying to break us up and he said no".

"Hard to get a read on him", Andy said, "but he told me the same when I asked".

Brad and Andy spent some more time sharing what they knew about the recent happenings, and before he knew it, Paige was walking back downstairs. Brad's heart leapt in his chest. She looked beautiful with her hair up like that, little strands framing her petite heart-shaped face with her graceful cheekbones and delicate jawline.

"Let's see, sweetheart", Andy said as she reached the bottom, and she turned in a slow circle, smiling.

"Wow", Brad said. "Your wife does amazing work", he said to Andy.

"I know", Andy said. "You look beautiful, little sister. We'll see you in a few hours, huh?"

"Yes!  Thank you, Andy!  See you soon!"

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