Chapter 16 - Wedding Bells

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Serena's P.O.V

Ellie had sent me a text message saying *we got her and she said yes, we're going to be married! :D* I walked over and told Hannah the good news. "They did it! They rescued her, and Leonie said yes to Ellie's proposal!" An ernomous smile spread across her face as I told her "I wondered when ellie was going to ask that as she's had the ring for a few weeks trying to get the courage to ask the question. She had originally planned on proposing after the festival concert, but then this happened. Although speaking of questions Serena, there's something I need to ask you." Hannah got down on one knee and I put my hands over my mouth. "Would you Serena Walsh make me the happiest woman in the world and become Mrs Serena Lowe?" I started crying "yes I'll happily become Mrs Serena Lowe."

Just then ellie and Leonie walked through the front door "I'm home bitches!" Leonie shouted, Ellie just shook her head and pinched Leonie's butt causing her to squeak. Then ellie noticed I was smiling more than usual and said "Hannah proposed at long last I take it?" I nodded madly "yes she did! And I said yes, so I'm now Mrs Serena Lowe! And Leo I know ellie proposed so you're now Mrs Leonie Goulding. When's the date anyway?" Ellie looked thoughtful, "Well we need to arrange it for a time when we're in England as I've still got a tour to finish and I want my family to attend. So shall we say in six months time? And I'll make it a double wedding, so Serena and Hannah can get married with us." Ellie suggested and I thought it was a good idea. "Sure why not, a double wedding would be cute anyway. I'll go dress shopping with leo and you two can go shopping." They all nodded in agreement. "Excellent let's get started." And off we went with one of Ellie's credit cards in tow.

Leonie and I stopped in at dress shop on the corner of the industrial estate we lived on. As we walked in a lovely old lady came from behind the counter and said "can I help you two lovelies?" We both nodded "yeah we're getting married in around six months or so and obviously we need dresses." The kind old lady nodded "are you two a couple then?" She asked "Oh no we're just friends and our soon to be wives are off shopping elsewhere." The old lady smiled with a twinkle in her eyes "I knew it, you two look exactly like how me and my wife did all those years ago. Anyway follow me please."

As we followed the sweet old lady to the back I saw rows of pictures of two young women "Is that your wife?" I asked the old lady she nodded and said "yes it is, normally she's here with me but today she's off babysitting the grandchildren." Then the old lady took a dress off the hook and said to me "try this on, and you try this one on." Pointing to Leonie who took the other dress and put it on. The old lady clapped her hands in excitement "I knew it! They suit you both perfectly, I want you to have them no charge. They belonged to my wife and me." Both me and Leonie were stunned for a minute, then we both tried turning down the the sweet old lady's offer but she was having none of it. "No no I want you to have them, I've been keeping them for a day like this when two halves of pair of openly gay couples come looking for dresses." Her smile lit up the whole room. "Well if you won't let us give them back or pay for them how can we repay you?" I asked her "I would be delighted if I could attend the wedding, also my wife is a minister so if she could marry you I'm quite sure she would be thankful." Both me and Leonie nodded in agreement. "Of course we'd love to have you attend and having your wife marry us in your wedding dresses would be an honour."

*6 months later*
Goulding and Lowes wedding day

I was really nervous as I got helped into my dress by Leonie as I was terrified about tripping over and then almost as if she read my mind Leonie said "stop stressing Serena you're going to be fine and shortly we're both going to be happily married so come on let's go." I nodded took a deep breath and stood up linking arms with Leonie, before starting to walk down the isle. I could feel my face getting warm as I saw everyone's eyes on me and I made a conscious effort to keep looking forward, then we reached Ellie and Hannah who looked absolutely stunning in their girl suits.

Just then the old minister cleared her throat and in a surprisingly loud voice for her size addressed the guests. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to oversee the union of two couples who wish to cement their relationship. Do you Elena Jane Goulding take Leonie Garvey to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Ellie took Leonie's hands and looked her straight in the eyes before saying "I do"

The old minister smiled then turned to Hannah "Do you Hannah Suzanne Lowe take Serena Walsh to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth." Hannah took my hands in hers and looked at me, her eyes full of tears just like mine before saying "I do."

The old minister turned to Leonie and repeated the exact same vows and Leonie put her hand on Ellie's cheek before saying "I do." The old minister said "then I now declare you wife and wife, you may now kiss the bride." And ellie and leonie shared a deep passionate kiss to the cheers and awhs of all the guests.

Then the old minister turned to me and repeated the same vows to me, I took Hannah's face into my hands and leaned in close before saying "I do" with that the ageing lesbian minister sniffed trying to hold back her tears and said. "Then it is with the greatest of pleasure that I declare you wife and wife, you may now kiss the bride. Oh excuse me." And she pulled out a tissue and blew her nose after wiping away the tears.

Hannah smiled at me and said "come on let's go back to the hotel and enjoy married life." Ending with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows. I grinned at her and said "I like the sound of that. Just try not to make too much noise and wake the people next her." I winked at her and she blushed lightly smacking my ass. I was referring to when me and hannah had sex and she nearly screamed from the orgasm she got.

Then I noticed Ellie and Leonie excitedly whispering, which usually ended in mischief. I noticed Ellie's hand disappearing inside Ellie's dress heading downwards and then I saw Leonie subtly spread her legs with a telltale blush creeping into Leonie's cheeks. I'm guessing Ellie's hand made its way into her panties and I just shook my head, she really is sex on legs our Ellie.

A.N: anyone fancy a guess as to what the next two chapters are going to be about ;) lil clue we haven't had any for the past few chapters so really we're overdue. And I dropped a monstrous great hint in the last paragraph :P.

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