Chapter 8 - Hannah and Serena

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Hannah's P.O.V

What an interesting day this is turning out to be, starts off being a usual day on the sofa with ice cream, then I get a phone call from none other than Ellie Goulding! Turns out she's back in lyonshall and only around the corner as well, then when she says to me that she's found me a girlfriend I immediately get my Nike's on and start running to the house she's staying at.

I knock on the door breathing heavily and it's opened by a total babe with black hair, I gathered she was the one Ellie was talking about so I immediately gave her a knee melting kiss and in return she gave my bum a good squeeze so I squeaked and said "save it for later gorgeous you're going to need all the strength you can get." Giving her a sexy wink before spotting Ellie herself "Ellie! Babe you look fucking great!" I say to her giving her a hug, "Hey Han long time no see. How've you been anyway?" She returns the hug making small talk, "yeah I'm good, it's been boring since the end of your last tour in all honesty. Still we can catch up later as I want to get to know the beautiful thing behind me that's probably staring at my bum." I turn around and see a rosy blush in the girls cheeks which leads me to guess she was staring at my bum, "So what's your name love?"I ask her, "I.... I..... I'm Serena" she stumbles out. "That's a cool name" I say to her with a smile, she turns around and starts walking towards the sofa (lovely bum love, yum yum) I thought to myself, I sit down beside her and start quietly chatting with her and before too long we're having a good make out session and this girl has talent!

I decide to try and see how far I can go on a first date so I slide my hand up her shirt and feel a nicely sized pair of boobs, just then I notice Ellie and her little friend disappear upstairs so I decide to get the ball rolling properly. "Hey Serena, those two have gone upstairs how's about we get a little more intimate with each other, because from what I've felt you've got a pretty nice body with good boobs to match." I whisper to her and she replies "I like the sound of that." Then stands up to take her shirt off "hang on, you've already felt my boobs but I've yet to feel anything besides that talented tongue and nice squishy bum of yours. So your shirt is coming off first" she says to me with a sly smile, so I stand up and take my shirt off then my bra comes off exposing my boobs, but before I even get a chance to put my bra down Serena leans forward and sucks my nipple into her mouth, I'm moaning with pleasure as the things she's doing with her tongue are amazing. "Ooh that feels good" but two can play at that game so I place my hand down the front of her trousers and slip a finger inside of her vagina (this girls tight. Good thing I've got small fingers) I think to myself, after a minute or two Serena let go of my boob and took her trousers off so she was completely naked. I was surprised at the fact that she only had a small amount of hair as Ellie always had a full bush covering her vagina and the few other girls I had been with either had the same or no hair at all like me. I decide to take my trousers off as well but before I get a chance to take my panties off Serena pushes me down on the sofa and starts kissing my neck (this is heavenly) I thought, then makes her way down my chest ignoring my boobs (girl knows how to keep me waiting) I thought. Then when she gets to my tummy the kisses turn super light and then she goes to my belly button "HAHAHEHE stop it that tickles" I say to her as she's making circles around it with her tongue. Then she starts kissing my boobs and gently grazing my nipple with her teeth "oh that feels nice" I moan to her, only now its my turn so I stand up move to Serena and kneel in front of her, so her vagina is at eye level then I place my hands on her arse cheeks and pull her closer.

Then I immediately start to place small kisses on her clït and the entrance to her vagina knowing I'm going to make Serena orgasm more than once in a short space of time. "Ooh Hannah that feels nice right there oh yeah!" I can feel her getting close to an orgasm so I stand up and say "let's do this somewhere we're not going to fall over" and gently lay Serena down on the sofa before I start to gently eat her pussy, soon enough she starts to orgasm and right at the height of her climax I slide two fingers into her vagina while my thumb rubs her clït sending her into multiple orgasms that leaves her panting on the sofa. "That was amazing! I bloody love you!" Serena gasps, I smile at her "I'm glad you enjoyed it" and curl up to her before we both fall asleep on the sofa.

It feels like I'm only asleep for an hour or so before I feel my legs being gently spread apart, I open my eyes slightly to see Serena leaning over my vagina then she grabs the top of my panties with her teeth and starts to pull them down. Once my panties are around my ankles she then starts to gently probe my vagina with her tongue, I can feel myself getting aroused and it takes all my self control not to squirm under Serena's oral assault. Just as I can't take no more Serena moves away from my vagina, but before I can take a breath of relief, I feel her fingers penetrate my vagina and massage my g-spot I feel myself start to orgasm and a shout leaves my throat "OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT WAS JUST FUCKING OH GOD." I laugh at myself (that orgasm must have burnt my brain) just then I see the upstairs light turn on.

"What the fuck was that?" I see a naked Ellie come downstairs shaking her head not to laugh then her friend comes downstairs also naked and says "hey I didn't introduce myself earlier but I'm Leonie Garvey, Serena's best friend and Ellie's girlfriend as of about an hour ago. One question were you two having sex?" I shake my head in disbelief as this is just too funny for words. I try to stand up but forget that my panties are still around my ankles so I pretty much instantly fall on my boobs and Ellie just bursts into laughter alongside Leonie, I manage to untangle myself from my panties as Serena helps me up with a slightly embarrassed look on her face. "sorry about that, I should have just taken them off." I just hug her and feel her boobs sticking in my chest "don't worry about it sweet, although I must say Ellie has a good eye you are perfect girlfriend material as despite me not giving you an opportunity to repay the pleasure, you go ahead and do it when I'm not expecting it. So would you Serena Walsh please do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?"
"Oh Hannah of course I will" and as we share our first kiss as a couple both Ellie and Leonie go "awwwww". I straighten up and say "Now how's about we all go to bed as that last orgasm really tired me out" so we all head upstairs Leonie and Ellie heading back to Serena's room, with me and Serena having her parents room.

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