Chapter 1 - Where it all begins

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Flashback - Leonie's P.O.V

I was looking around and thinking how lucky I was to live in such a beautiful area, i live in the little village of lyonshall on the border of England and Wales. The same place our beautiful queen Ellie was born.

It was a beautiful day if slightly cold and me and my best friend Serena were out walking in the woods near where we both lived, "Oh my god! Look Leonie" Serena shouted despite me standing right next to her. "Ouch! You didn't have to shout Serena" I grumbled while looking into the clearing and there stood the cutest horse I have ever seen in my life "Awwww she looks so adorable!"
"Let's go pet her" Serena suggested. I was slightly worried but I thought to hell with it and agreed. The horse started getting nervous as we approached her. "Shhhh its ok, we're not going to hurt you" I said as we slowly approached. Serena knelt down and pulled up some grass to try and calm the horse down, "Hey there beautiful, want to come eat some grass. Yeah come eat this nice grass" Serena cooed, the horse slowly stretched her head down and after sniffing the grass started eating it "hehehe it tickles, Leo you should do it" Serena whispered to me while trying not to laugh. "I'm not so sure Serena, she looks like she's nervous about something" as at that moment the horse had looked up rather quickly and was swinging her head from side to side as if looking for something. Suddenly for seemingly no reason the horse reared up on its back legs and starts running towards me and Serena. Serena luckily manages to jump out of the way. I on the other hand was not so lucky I screamed and jumped but it was too late the horse ran over my right leg and the pain was so intense that I nearly passed out. Serena came running over as she saw what happened "Leonie are you alright?!" She exclaimed in panic "Ah shit! No I'm not, call for help!" I managed through gritted teeth. Serena fumbled pulling her phone from her pocket then dialled the emergency services "ambulance please! We're in the lyonshall meadows please hurry my friends badly hurt!" Then Serena's phone slipped from her fingers as she tried ending the call and bounced off of my injured leg I promptly fainted from the surge in pain.

Present day Leonie's P.O.V
I woke up sweating from the nightmare to hear my alarm going off on my phone, I reached across to turn it off. I laid back down for a few minutes but just as I started to fall asleep again my mum knocked on the door "Leonie? Its time to wake up sweetheart" she called through the door. Ok mum I'll be down shortly just got to shower and get dressed"
"OK well don't take too long as I'm making pancakes" I listen to her receeding footsteps as she went downstairs. I sighed and got out of bed, it was extremely hot the night before so I had slept naked thus I just walked straight into the adjoining bathroom that was next to my bedroom and got straight into the shower. I turned the temperature down slightly to help wake me up and forget about the nightmarish memory I had dreamt of. I got the body wash off the shelf and squirted some into my hand then began rubbing it into my skin, I paid special care to my boobs which had been slightly sore lately I think they might be getting slightly bigger. Then I remembered I was going round Serena's later as she was planning on trimming my pubic hair because I mentioned that it was getting slightly out of hand, so I made sure that I washed my vagina thoroughly so Serena found it easier to trim my bush later. I finished washing myself then brushed my teeth, got dressed in shorts and a belly top, then tried fixing my hair grabbed my doc martens and went downstairs. "Ah I wondered if we were going to see you this year" my mum teased, I replied "Sorry mum it takes time to look this gorgeous" my mum looked at me and we both burst out laughing. I sat down to eat my pancakes which were even tastier than normal I was surprised to find "mum what have you put in these pancakes? As they taste even better than usual" I asked her, so my mum replied "I thought I'd try something new and bought some cinnamon down the shops I'm glad you liked it though". I finished my pancakes without saying anything else as I was to engrossed in how delicious they were, just then my phone vibrated with a text message so I got my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Serena *hey babe my parents have gone on holiday for the week, want to come over now instead of later and spend a few nights here away from your parents? Xx* I looked at my mum and asked her "mum Serena just text me saying her parents have gone away for the week and wants to know if I can come over now and spend a few nights there" my mum looked thoughtful for a minute then said "I don't know Leonie, the two of you alone with no adults seem like the perfect opportunity for a party, and I don't like the idea of you two there alone with a bunch of drunken people especially boys" I sighed in frustration "mum Serena's a quiet girl she doesn't drink or host parties, plus she's gay which I've told you before so she never has boys over so please can I go?" Giving my mum serious puppy dog eyes, she looks happy with my explanation and says "alright you can stay a few nights but you call me every night to say goodnight ok love?" I smiled and said "ok mum, thank you love lots!!!" And ran round the table to give her a kiss and a hug. Mum just laughed and said "love you too but go on now don't keep Serena waiting" so I let go of mum laced up my DM's and set off for Serena's with music on my ears the sun on my back life was good.

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