Chapter 4 - Enter Bae

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Ellie's P.O.V

I walked through the palace looking for my husband, so far I had been out of luck finding him, and it seems the palace staff hadn't seen him either.

Something wasn't right, maybe I was being paranoid but personally I didn't think so, just then I heard something faint like a woman's giggle mixed with a man's laugh. I immediately started following the sounds till I came to a door and the voices were quite clear, "Oh William I love the way you use your sausage, it just fills me up!"

At that point I burst through the door and saw my suspicions had been correct, I came face to face with my 'husband' king William fucking another woman but what shocked me more is the fact that she was one of the palace cooks! I had suspected him of cheating for a while but I expected to find a celebrity in bed with him not a palace cook, still I stood there in shock for a minute before anger took over.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" I walked over and grabbed the girl by the back of the neck "you are sacked! Now get out of my sight" marching her to the door and pushing her out of it still completely naked. "Elena wait" I feel a hand on my shoulder so I spin round 'SMACK' and gave my now former husband an almighty slap "don't you fucking dare touch me you cheating bastard! We are finished and don't even think about having someone follow me because I will go to the press and spill all your dirty little secrets" I say to him while walking out of the room slamming the door behind me.

I immediately go to the bedroom, grab my rucksack and start throwing clothes into it, my old halcyon days tour hoodie goes on my back as I want to try and forget all about this, I throw my phone out of the window and hear a satisfying smack as it breaks on the gravel below. I finish packing and grab my iPod of the dresser, then swing the bag onto my back get into the elevator and leave the palace building for the last time.

As I start nearing the end of the painfully long gravel driveway and come to the massive cast iron gates that separated the palace grounds from the rest of London one of the guards approaches me, "Off somewhere your majesty?" He asks, "I'm leaving as I just walked in on my so called husband screwing one of the kitchen staff, so its just plain old miss Goulding now as I dont want anything to do with him anymore" I explain in a quiet voice close to tears. The guard just shakes his head looking disgusted at what I just said "I'm sorry to hear that your leaving miss, but should you ever need a body guard or personal security service, me and a few of the older lads are at your disposal as we're getting pretty sick of the king and his pathetic stunts" as he finishes talking the guard pulls out a card with his name and number on it 'Vinnie Jones'. "Thank you Mr Jones should I ever need a body guard or security detail I'll be sure to give you a call as I may decide to go back on tour in a while" I shake his hand and walk out of the gateway onto the busy London streets.

2 hours later Ellie's P.O.V

I check myself into a hotel as I had kept my bank account separate from his so that if ever something like this did happen he wouldn't be able to take all the money thus forcing me back to him. I stay the night deciding what to do with myself as staying in London was not a very good idea, too many reminders of the unfaithful prick I had the misfortune to marry. Then it came to me I needed to go home, Herefordshire was calling me back and I embraced it with a warmth in my heart I hadn't felt since I had finished my last string of live performances on tour.

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