Chapter Twenty-Two

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Cindy felt herself lifted into the air by an invisible force. "Why did the storm stop?" he demanded as Scarlett stood beside him.

"Some freak stopped it. That's what Divina said," Cindy implied. She felt herself drop but bopped away from the stool.

"What then?" Greyson seemed amused as she stood in the large living room.

"I came to see if anyone had developed new abilities," Cindy stated.

"All of us have our same abilities," Greyson said.

"And I need to talk to Scarlett about something," Cindy implied.

She followed Scarlett upstairs and into a bedroom that looked the same as the one she stayed in. There were clothes all over the ground and some beauty products on the white dressers.

"Social media doesn't work here," Scarlett said.

"Are you pregnant?" Cindy asked as Scarlett's smirk faltered, glancing at her. She gripped her wrist and pulled her into the bathroom, shutting the door.

Before Scarlett could answer, she rushed to the toilet to vomit. Cindy stared with wide eyes because it seemed true. Vomiting is one of the first symptoms of someone being pregnant.

"There's a test," Scarlett gaped. She pointed to the white trash can as Cindy dug through it to see the test.

"Two weeks?" she gasped in disbelief. Scarlett flushed the toilet and sat back against the wall with her eyes closed.

"I did not make love any time then. That's not the worst of it," Scarlett stated. "It's a medium rank."

"Are you sure you aren't ranking yourself wrong?" Cindy asked.

"It's faint, but there's something there," Scarlett said.

It all slowly started to come together. Since nobody else has informed them that they have developed new mutant powers and that Divina can't find them, the truth is right in front of them.

"The baby stopped the storm," Cindy gasped.

"Do not tell anyone about it," Scarlett spat. "Even the father doesn't know."

"Your baby is saving us as a fetus. Could you imagine it as a child?" Cindy breathed.

"The child will either save us or kill us," Scarlett said, slowly standing back up.

Scarlett grabbed a glass from the bathroom counter, filled it with water, and took a drink. "Do you normally just get morning sickness?" Cindy asked.

"Every symptom they explain. My body physically feels like something is there, and this mutant isn't even a day old," Scarlett stated.

Everything made her stutter because Cindy knew one thing about pregnancy, and that was that symptoms don't start until later. She may not have researched completely like Melany, but she knew basic information.

"Keep it quiet," Scarlett said, walking out of the bathroom.

Cindy stood alone in the bathroom, thoughts crossing and connecting. It wasn't someone born in this bubble that stopped the storm, but Scarlett and Greyson's unborn child. Those two having a baby out of anyone here? This had been a nightmare already, but adding someone to the mix of it all?

Nevaeh would enjoy the gossip, and most would be shocked or in disbelief. From what she remembered from the infirmary, there had been bits and pieces about childbirth. Cindy didn't want to be the one to deliver the baby.

She bopped back into the kitchen, leaning on the marble island. "Anything else new?" Greyson pestered.

"Jason left town, and Zane got sick. He came back for that freak business, and Zane is healed," Cindy said, slipping Cheerios into her mouth. "Half the town has died, but Luke's one of Ashley's followers."

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