"They are stars." I tell her ripping the first pack open with my teeth. She looks at me with confusion written all over her face. I ignore her look and stand on her bed peeling the paper off the first star so I can get to the sticky side. When I stick the star on the ceiling I jump off from her bed and go over to the light. When I turn the light off she gasps at the star.

"I figured I could get you some superficial stars to help you fall asleep at night." I feel her body crush into mine and I warp my arms around the short girl.

"Thank you." She tears up a bit. I push her away slightly to wipe the tear falling down her cheek.

"No crying. Come one lets get these stars up."

We had a little issue with her height so she ends up just handing me the peeled sticker and I stick it to her ceiling.

Half an hour later we finished and above her bed is filled with stars. She's been quiet this whole time and just from her big eyes I can tell she's been trying hard not to cry.

"Hop in." I point to her bed, surprisingly the girl actually complied and not stubbornly refuse just to piss me off.

She looks at me in confusion when I start to tuck her in. "What are you doing?"

I sigh before responding. Every time I hear her question something I do as simple as tucking her into bed it makes me want to cry. "Tucking you in. It's what parents do for their kids. Sleep well Mags."

"Night Nardo." A sigh of relief leaves my lips knowing that my Maggie is okay.

I walk out of her room and head back down to the kitchen. I left our cups out so I want to clean up before bed.

Not that I am complaining but Maggie is a very messy person. The past few days she's been here she's spilled more drinks on herself than stars in the night sky. Okay, that is a bit dramatic but also not entirely false. She's just a messy kid. I've been cleaning her room and cleaning up the mess that seems to follow her.

I don't really mind but at the same time I am just relieved that Maria is coming back from her vacation in a weeks time.

As I load the cups up in the dishwasher I see my front door open quickly and forcefully. There stands my furious father and my scared little brother behind him. I groan knowing exactly why he's angry.

"Why didn't you tell me my grand-daughter is back? Why did I find out from this jackass?" He demands making me cringe.

"Shush she's sleeping. Good god it's- three in the morning!" I frustratedly throw my hands in the air. All I wanted to do was sleep.

"I'm sorry Leo it just slipped out."

"Shut up." I glare at Marco. I then look to my father who stands there with his eyes squinted at me. If I was anyone else I would be pissing myself. He looks terrifying. "The kid hasn't been able to sleep all damn week, and I swear to god if you wake her up because you couldn't wait until the morning I will go full papa bear on you." I whisper shout at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He questions again quieter.

"Because I want her to be comfortable and if this dumbass over here didn't break in to my apartment then he wouldn't know either! I wanted her to be comfortable with me first." I groan rubbing my exhausted eyes. "Dad, take the guest room and Marco take the couch. We can talk and you can see her tomorrow." I dismiss both of them before heading up stairs.

MaggieWhere stories live. Discover now