"Twins are here," Ella says, craning her neck towards the servant's entrance, covertly covered by the sheer green draping. Lillie follows her gaze and sees the curtains rustling, bulging with the forms of three very tall bodies. One by one, George, Lee, then Fred slip into the party, obviously attempting to act naturally.

"Fuck, how's my hair?" Lillie says, her eyes frantically scanning Ellas.

"Listen to me," Ella says while arranging Lillie's long, glossy curls, "You look killer, like some evil virgin vampire slut. Fred literally told you he loves you, that's not going to change any time soon, and he's definitely not gonna stop now. Get your shit together, because he's literally bee-lining towards us."

"Fuck Ella, I'm so nervous--"

"Shh! Get. Your shit. Together–Fred!" she says, putting on a wide, sugary smile as he approaches, "Welcome to the party!"

"Hiya," Fred answers without even a glance in Ella's direction. His eyes are locked on Lillie. "What the fuck?" he says, standing a few feet from her. Lillie scoffs, turning redder every second. "No actually, what the fuck?"

"Like what you see?" Ella jokes, elbowing him in the arm.

"You are the fittest bird I've ever laid eyes on," Fred says.

"Woah, Lillie," Lee says, walking up to the group with George, "You look hot. You too, Ella."

"Thank you, Lee. Fred seems to agree," she laughs, "Oi! Fred! Are you gonna greet me, or just stand there like an idiot?"

"Sorry, love," he says. He closes the space between them, kissing her quickly and deeply before hugging her, his hands wrapping tight around her waist. "Bit distracted is all, yeah?" She pulls away, laughing and using her thumb to wipe the lipstick that rubbed off on his lips.

She runs her hands over the babydoll-style dress. The fine, gauzy fabric falls high on her legs, brushing with an insubstantial caress against the skin of her upper thighs. The pink, so pale it is almost white, compliments the carnal blush that flowers on her cheeks as she watches Fred's eyes travel down her figure. The blush spreads to her chest when she sees his eyes widen as he realizes the dress is slightly transparent, and the barest hint of her white panties peeking through the shimmering fabric.

"You don't look too bad yourself," Lillie says, registering his outfit. As always, Fred and George wear three piece suits of matching cuts but differing colors. George wears a bright yellow suit, brocaded with small silver suns, their shimmering rays faintly visible in the low light of the red lanterns overhead. His plum shirt compliments the brightness of the outfit; Lillie notices how nice he looks standing next to Lee's blue suit. Fred wears the same suit, though his is a deep, rusty orange, only a few shades darker than his hair. Fine gold thread is woven throughout, catching the light as George's does. His shirt almost identically matches Lillie's dress, though the shade is a bit darker, more muted. Instead of a tie, a long, gold chain hangs from his neck, and a small gold pendant glimmers at the end.

He smiles, "Yeah? Tell me I look handsome." He closes his eyes and tips his ear to her, waiting.

She raises her head, no longer having to stand on her toes in her plum-colored stilettos, and puts her mouth to his ear, "You look handsome." She whispers it slowly, letting the words drip, sticky and sweet.

Fred's cheeks puff out in an exhale, and Lillie turns to where George, Ella, and Lee chat. Fred turns too, though his face burns as bright as his hair and she can tell he isn't really listening to the conversation.

A little while later, as Lillie stands in a large group of Hogwarts alumni, Fred approaches, holding two cups of punch. He subtly steps into the circle, giving her a drink and snaking his hand around her waist.

CHRYSALIS - FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now