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***BOOK TWO***

Fred and George stand in Albus Dumbledore's lofty office. There are at least twenty people, standing in small clusters, chatting nervously. They stand with Lee Jordan, quietly fiddling with the various delicate silver instruments that litter the room.

Fred nudges George, "Look. Alicia Spinnet's here."

George nods, "I just saw Lupin, by the book shelf."

They continue like this, pointing out past Order members and Hogwarts alumni, remarking absently on how long it's been since they've seen them or how they are surprised they showed up. Dumbledore clears his throat, commanding the attention of the buzzing room. Everyone quiets immediately, turning towards where he stands, raised above the crowd, by his desk. The only sound is the fireplace to the right of his desk that glows green with the telltale flame of a Floo entrance. Everyone in the room entered the Hogwarts grounds through the heavily protected gateway.

"Thank you all for being here," Dumbledore begins in his commanding, rich voice, "When I wrote to you all, asking for your help in protecting Hogwarts, I couldn't help but reflect on the sacrifice I am asking of you. Trust that I am aware of the temerity of my request, and I am grateful for your willingness to leave your busy lives in these dark times."

Some in the crowd nod, but the silence continues.

"As you know-"

Suddenly, the crackling fireplace roars to life, indicating the arrival of a new guest. Dumbledore grabs his wand, keeping it casually at his side but poised for attack, just in case. A brown leather boot steps out of the fireplace, followed by a long, jean-clad leg. Fred's view of the fireplace is blocked by Moody's bulking frame, and he struggles to see the identity of the new guest.

"Holy shit," George says, shocked.

"What," Fred whispers, "Who is it?"

At that moment, Moody's body shifts, allowing Fred to fully view the fireplace. He doesn't comprehend what he sees.

"It's Lillie," George says, disbelieving. Fred gapes. The possibility of seeing her today hadn't even crossed his mind; no one he's asked has seen her since graduation, and no one has heard from her since Charlie died. A rumor was circling that she'd left the wizarding world, become a muggle in America. Fred had accepted the fact that he'd likely never see her again.

Dumbledore's grip on his wand relaxes, and he quietly welcomes her into the office. He hugs her tightly before pulling back and murmuring lowly to her. She nods her head graciously, smiling kindly before hugging him again. She turns from him and walks down the few steps that separate his desk from the rest of the room. She takes her place at the side of the crowd, still near the front but thoroughly blended in. Fred can still see her profile through the gaps in the group.

"Didn't know she and Dumbledore were so close," George says, perplexed.

"I don't think they were, in school," Fred says, still staring at Lillie.

The first thing that strikes Fred is how different she looks. Her skin is tanned, tanner than he's ever seen it; her face is littered with freckles that she never had when she lived in Scotland. Her hair, once dark, is lightened by the sun, almost blonde. Her girlishness is all but gone, replaced by a strength that Fred barely recognizes. All her slightness and curvature has disappeared, hard, sharp muscles in its place. She stands much straighter than she used to. She takes up more space, no longer shrinking in hopes of hiding herself.

"Excuse me," Dumbledore apologizes, getting the room's attention again, "As you know, Hogwarts faces a threat unlike anything it's seen before. This is worse than the first time, worse than any of you can imagine. Protecting the students will require constant vigilance from you all. Voldemort's forces could penetrate these walls at any moment."

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