Loyal 'til the End

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Loyal to her queen the slave did not mention her with a single word and instead made up a story about seeing Ivar walk in the direction of Rùna's room and thus assuming the event.

The king had a hearty laugh, eyed Ivar, with his bound legs, then the queen beside him. At last, he demanded Rùna to speak about what should happen to the slave, but she refused to participate in the decision over the fate of that woman and instead left it up to Ivar as his honour had been the one questioned by queen and slave.

Condemned to execution, the present folk cheered as the slave fought against the men dragging her outside to the wood block on which she had to lay her head. The cheers from the crowd grew louder when the executioner walked through the masses and onto the podium, waving his sharp axe.

All watched in awe and screamed and laughed as the head rolled off to the side, blood spattering all over the podium and the closest spectators. Only Rùna had turned her head, she meant to cover her ears as well, but a noise had caught her attention and instead she followed the noise to the stables.

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