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(A/N this Story will indeed contain triggering subjects, I might not fully go into them but I will mention and most definitely describe some stuff that could trigger someone.

This story also contains sexual scenes, so if you're not comfortable with sexual stuff you'll see ‚•••' this in the title you know that it will contain these.

I'll put a mark into the story as well so you know when it starts and when it ends!)

Take a sip and see which chapter ends tonight.

Take a sip and see which chapter ends tonight

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Auroras eyes fluttered open. Her eyes felt heavy and her mind a little foggy, her fingers softly brushed against the silky sheets, not feeling Romans warmth next to her. She rubbed her eyes softly getting up, the shirt she's wearing only reaching to the middle of her thighs. Some rest mascara, which she didn't get off the night before, was sitting under her eyes. A soft smile was on her face as she walked into the kitchen, leaning against the door frame.

Roman was sitting there, looking like he barely slept. "Rome?" The soft voice broke his glare at his glas. Her feet carried her slowly to him, as she sat down on the stool next to him, giving him a sleepy smile. The boy turned his head away from her. He had do kick her out. He had to get rid of her. She made his mind foggy and he can't let this happen, not in his position right now. "Get ready we'll be leaving in 10 minutes." Aurora basically felt how cold his words were.

The girl nodded before going to the bathroom quickly to put the clothes from the day before on. She messed up again, she thought. But she stopped herself immediately from thinking like that. She was ready to forgive him, she did everything right. It's his lose if he would act like a dick again. Aurora fixed her hair quickly before wiping the mascara away that was about to stain her eyes and make them seem darker than they actually are, and quickly brushed her teeth with a spare toothbrush he gave her.

As she walked out Roman was already wearing his work suit. Aurora had to keep herself from drooling. A sigh escaped her lips as the boy looked her up and down. "We can go." As she looked upstairs she saw the girl, Miranda, leave the guest room. Auroras mouth dropped open. So that's where Roman was? That's why he wasn't with her this morning? Aurora looked at Roman trying not to let it get to her too much. "I'll walk." Aurora said while giving him a glare as she was about to walk out. "If you walk you'll be late for work, besides there's nothing near here, you'd walk for hours." He grabbed her arm rather harshly and pulled her back.

"Let me fucking go, Godfrey." Her voice was a quiet whisper as she pulled away from him. She walked out to wait in the car, sitting in the passenger seat. As Roman and Miranda walked up to the car. "You sit in the back, Miranda will sit in the front." He said without giving her another look. Aurora felt her heart beating faster, but she stood up and sat down in the backseat. Miranda couldn't hide a small grin, she thought that Roman was hot and her chances are looking good right now.

Roman drove quickly to Auroras work, not even saying anything when she got out of the car. Aurora walked into the small cafe and took a deep breath before going into the backroom to change into her work clothes. As she walked outside again, she saw Peter there with a smile. "Why good morning, pretty lady." He joked and leaned against the counter giving her a grin. Aurora gave him a halfhearted smile back and made his coffee. "What's wrong?" He asked as he took his coffee, paying for it.

"Just Roman being a dick and probably fucking a girl, while I was sleeping." Aurora said giving him a sarcastic smile. "Are you serious?" "Like a heart attack." She answered before continuing with other orders. "Fucking hell he can't pull that." Peter said and sat down on the closest table. "Yeah, well he did. I didn't expect anything else." Yes she did, she thought she could be with him again. "Come on, maybe you understood something wrong..." He tried to reason but Aurora turned around quickly. "Even if I did, he told me to sit in the back so she could sit in the front." Auroras words were dripping with venom. "That's fucked up..."

That was all Peter said before leaving. Yes it was fucked up, it was deeply fucked up, but Aurora couldn't deal with "fucked up" at this point anymore. She needed something that was stable and safe for her. Of course, she loves Roman. She'll always love him, but he can't give her this safety. Not anymore. This was the last time she'd let Roman hurt her. She's not the stupid, naive girl she was in high school anymore.

This chapter was closed for her. Roman Godfrey won't be more then a ghost of her past, she'll make sure of it.

(A/N I apologize deeply for not uploading these past months, I think it was months already I honestly don't know. Schools pretty tough right now, since I'm in my last year and things here are very difficult and I try to have good grades, hopefully I'll be able to upload more, but I'm also working on a new project based on Avatar: The last Airbender (Zuko).

I love reading everyones comments, they honestly make my day. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my books (this and the bloody hell one), it means a lot to me and reading your comments as a feedback or a just simple small comment about the characters just makes me so happy, which I'm not able to feel a lot lately. Thank u and love you <3)

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