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(A/N this Story will indeed contain triggering subjects, I might not fully go into them but I will mention and most definitely describe some stuff that could trigger someone.

This story also contains sexual scenes, so if you're not comfortable with sexual stuff you'll see ‚•••' this in the title you know that it will contain these.

I'll put a mark into the story as well so you know when it starts and when it ends!)

When I say I hate you, it doesn't mean I actually do. 


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

And Aurora was right, she was a idiot for saying yes. But what else was she supposed to do? Cry over Roman every day until she dies like an old virgin? No that won't happen. Not even close. 

"So, I mean working at a shitty bakery can't be your dream job." Shawn asked her while looking at his phone.  "Actually it is. Like owning one and giving people a comfortable place to-" Aurora started with a smile getting into detail with her big dream. "Really? That's sounds like so much useless work. Well if we start dating and things get serious I'd want you to stay home." He chuckled and Aurora looked down. That's why she never talked with anyone besides Roman about her dream, they would think it's useless and stupid. 

She laughed along softly just to not make this awkward while remembering something. 


Two teenagers sat on a blanket, their eyes attached to the stars and the sky above. The young boys eyes seemed to switch between the beauty of the sky and the beauty of the girl next to him. Enjoying the silence. 

"My mom wants me to become a doctor, like her, when I finish school..." The girl broke the silence looking away from the sky, turning onto her side to see the boy better. Her eyes quickly found his green ones seeing them softly looking at her. "You don't want that." He didn't even need to ask. He knew her better then himself. The girl looked surprised at his response shaking her head. "No, I don't..." She whispered studying his features, like she found herself doing a lot lately. 

Another silence took over them. Aurora closed her eyes biting on her lip, like she always did when she started overthinking. Roman softly brought his thumb to her lip pulling it away from her teeth softly. "Stop that, it annoys me." He said rolling his eyes laying back on his back. 

Aurora rolled her eyes and smiled softly. "I wanna open up a bakery, not to big a rather small one. A safe place that gives people comfort..." She stopped herself looking away chuckling softly. "It's stupid, sorry..." She whispered quietly. Roman studied her. In this moment he made sure to remember that. 

Flashback end

"So anyways yeah that's how I met this one girl, god she was so annoying kept talking about herself." Aurora heard as she snapped out of it, noticing that Shawn didn't even realize she zoned out. 

"Shawn I would love to stay but I just got a message from a friend. I need to go." She said quickly getting up taking her stuff. "What you can't just-" He got up. "It's important I'm sorry, see you tomorrow?" she smiled apologetic. Shawn just sighed and nodded. "Sure." 

Quickly she walked out of the dinner and a bit more before looking at her phone. 

She can't... She should leave him hanging not beg for his attention. 

"Fuck it..." Aurora whispered and quickly called the number she feared the most. "Hello?" A deep voice answered. "Oh! Uhm..." All confidence left her and she felt like some teen again. "Aurora I'm in a meeting. I don't have time for this, tell me what you want." Roman voice sounded angry. Almost like he was in pain. Then she heard it a quiet a moan in the background and him shushing her. 

"Nothing... Wrong number I-" But before she could continue he hung up. Aurora bit her lip harsh enough to draw blood, leaving a rusty taste in her mouth as she thought about what an idiot she is. First Shawn and now calling Roman while he fucked some other girl. Her breathing came out strangled. Her finger pressed onto a contact quickly. "Peter...pick me up please..." She slid down on the wall behind her from some building. "What? I can't just-" Peter tried to reason. "Please..." Her voice came out weak. 

He remembered that voice. It sounded like the day he saw her in the bathroom with a panic attack. "Okay give me the address." Aurora heard keys in the background and gave him the address. "Wait there don't move, okay?" The girl nodded forgetting he can't see her. "Aurora answers." Peter knew how she could get during something like that. 

"Sorry... Yes I-I'll wait." 

Peter felt like he knew what happened so the first person to call was Roman. "Fucking hell, Rumancek!" He exclaimed as he answered the phone. "No, what the fuck did you do?" Peter was pissed, more then before. "What do you mean?" Peter heard a door close in the background and a car starting. "Aurora called me, saying I should pick her up." He heard Roman sigh. "She had a fucking panic attack, Roman." Peter said driving faster. 

"When she called me she sounded fine, not my problem." He said trying to act like he doesn't care. "Oh stop with the bullshit, Roman. We both know how you feel about her. I can't calm her from a panic attack. I'll give you the address and you better fucking be there." Peter hung up before Roman could answer, but he knew Roman would leave him hanging but never her. 

She was his. And even if she thinks she's not, Roman still sees her as it. It's funny to see Shawn try, but Roman and Peter know where her heart still is. Peter saw it when he was with her at his house, he also saw it in Roman. They're connected in a way deeper then all three of them think. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن