"Just as bad," you mumbled, frowning in disappointment. "Hey, do you know Michiko?"

He nodded, his expression darkening. "She's a bitch. She acts all high and mighty and bullies the rank ones, but she's not even that good. All bark and no bite. She's only a rank three too. Why? Did she do something to you?"

"Sort of. She's been messing me up in Martial Arts and mocking me with her friends. It's nothing I can't handle though. I'm sure she'll get bored of me soon enough and move on."

His expression was strange and you were unable to read it. But it soon fused away to a relaxed state, to which he nodded in agreement. Before he could open his mouth to form a response, a commotion caught the attention of both of you. Sharing a look with him, you stood up from the chair and turned your head to the right. A crowd of students were rushing out of a wide door on the side, one that looked like it led to the courtyard. Confused at the sight of this, you began to follow them, leaving the unfinished food on the table.

Eito reluctantly followed you from behind, rolling his eyes to himself. The two of you passed through the doors and arrived into a courtyard, that had a beautiful, freshly mowed lawn with picnic tables sprawled around. Cherry blossom trees were planted everywhere and pink petals sprinkled the air like raindrops. But the view wasn't what caught everyone's undivided attention. The middle of the space had people gather around to circle around two people. You squinted and tried to get a closer look, but there were just so many people swarming around.

"What is happening?" you asked the male standing beside you. His hands stuffed into the pockets of his uniform, he was fidgeting in place, as if he wished to be anywhere but here.

"They're challenging for an elite's spot. Looks like the person is challenging an actual elite... don't know why he would do that. There are empty spots still open to challenge for, which would be easier, in my opinion," the dark headed boy explained. "Maybe they have a thing against Ginjirou, but this is such a big mistake."

Peeking through the spaces underneath people, you could finally see what was happening inside the circle. Two students were out of their uniform and changed into t-shirts and shorts. Their hands balled into fists, they got ready for their battle. One boy had red hair gelled back smoothly. His golden eyes glimmered mischievously, while his lips curved up into a smirk. Tattoos lining his forearm, he looked scary to you. Meanwhile, the other boy had dark blond hair and ripped arms that were the size of your head. He was much more bulky. Spikes as his hair, he also looked scary to you. Anger was evident on his face, with his blue eyes swirling in revenge.

"Who's the elite?" you asked Eito, without looking back. Your eyes couldn't take off of the highly anticipated battle. Were they going to get hurt from this?

"That's Ginjirou," he told you. "The red head with tattoos."

Interesting. Was there a chance he could lose? The other guy also seemed like a fierce opponent.

A whistle in the distance blew loudly, echoing across the courtyard. The battle began immediately at the sound of this, the two boys positioning into stances. The dark blond boy lunged forward first, preparing for an attack on the other male's face. But Ginjirou was too fast. Dodging it within a second, he ducked down and gracefully backtracked from his opponent. The other guy went to aim for another hit, attempting a punch in the guts. It was dodged again. Over and over, he tried and failed, until he was panting of exhaustion.

"Stop dodging and fight me, you damn coward," the challenger exclaimed, his raspy voice loud and furious.

Ginjirou let out a chuckle at this and was not affected by the words too much. "Hmm, since you're kindly asking for it, then sure. I'll truly fight you if you want." By the time he was done speaking, he had charged to the other guy with inhumane speed. The guy had no time to react to it, nor could he even think to dodge. His right hand a firm fist, he pulled back far and slammed it under the blond boy's chin. The strong impact sent blond boy's head up, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Staggering toward the ground, he crashed to the ground heavily, unconscious from the hit.

The audience exploded into applause and congratulations for the elite. You backed away from the sight, half amazed and half appalled. You were amazed because this guy somehow knocked someone out with one hit. On the other hand, you couldn't believe people were fine with being entertained by this. Someone got hurt and nobody gave a damn about him, only focusing on the winner. What if he was in serious danger?

As you were about to take a step forward to the unconscious loser, a hand kept you from getting too far. You turned around to see that Eito was shaking his head no. "Don't. It'll put unwanted attention on you. Plus, a nurse is coming to fetch him soon. He'll be fine, I promise. People have gotten worse injuries before... this isn't even the worst of it."

Slowly nodding to him, he released your arm and you gulped in guilt. There were worst injuries before, within the school's properties. These school systems were just so strange to you. Couldn't parents sue a lawsuit against the school for such violence? It was almost as if the people in this world were brainwashed by the image of violence and elitists.

Obstinate ElitistsWhere stories live. Discover now