"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I can't see him, not now!" Allison panics.

The two Martin's turn to see Scott and Stiles in his Jeep beside them. Isabel's heart sinks as her eyes connect with Stiles', his eyes wide as his mouth drops open like a fish. She quickly looks away and sinks in her seat, cringing.

"Lydia, go! Just go!" Isabel tells the girl.

"But the light-" Lydia points out, worriedly looking between the two girls that looked like they wanted Lydia's car to swallow them whole. Lydia looks to the side, spotting Stiles leaning over - eyes focused on Isabel as he quickly tries to roll the window down.

Lydia takes a breath and decides to drive off before Stiles tries to talk to Isabel. Lydia quickly drives off through the red light, looking in the mirror to see a mortified look on Isabel's face. She spent the last four months trying to keep her mind off of the boy, and all her work was shattered in a single moment.

"You all right?" Lydia asks Isabel. Isabel finally looks up to see her looking at her in the rear-view mirror. Isabel simply nods as Allison sits back in her seat, giving a relieved sigh. The car is silent for a second before Allison shakes her head.

"Lydia, stop," Allison says, looking past Isabel through the back window. "We need to go back and talk to them." Isabel's eyes open wide at her words.

"What?! No, Allison!" Isabel begs.

"We have to talk to them at some point." Allison gently tells the girl. Isabel sighs as Lydia looks at her for permission. She gives a reluctant nod, causing Lydia to slow down to a stop.

"They stopped, too." Lydia comments, turning around in her seat. Isabel holds her head in her hands, not brave enough to turn around and look.

"Why would they stop?" Allison asks, confused, following Lydia and turning in her seat.

"It's Stiles and Scott! Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?" Lydia rolls her eyes, Isabel raises her head and freezes as she spots a shadow quickly approaching.

"Maybe we should go back-" Allison begins, but is cut off by Isabel screaming, pointing in front of them.

It's too late for any of them to move when the deer hits headfirst into Lydia's window shield - shattering the glass on impact. Allison and Lydia shriek in fear as they quickly jump out. Isabel remains frozen in place, face first with the now dead - deer.

Scott and Stiles rush toward the girls, Scott instinctively heading straight for Allison. Stiles quickly checks Lydia before looking around and pausing as he doesn't spot Isabel.

Isabel looks into the deer's eyes, her body filling with terror and fear as she feels the animal's last moments, the tears falling as feelings flood her body.

Stiles quickly pulls her out of the back, Lydia rushing over after him to help. Lydia gently brushes the glass off of the girl, as Stiles looks over her face worriedly. Stiles frowns as his eyes remain transfixed, not focusing.

"Are you hurt?" He asks the silent girl, hoping for a response.

"It ran right into us!" Lydia cries out, terrified. She removes a piece of glass from Isabel's face, the girl not even flinching as it's ripped from the skin, blood rising to the surface and slowly dripping down.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks Allison.

"I'm okay." Allison nods, looking over at Isabel in worry. Lydia looks around at the group and shakes her head.

"Well, I'm not okay! I am totally freaking out! How the hell does it just run into us? I saw its eyes right before it hit us, and it was like it... It was like it was crazy." Lydia hysterically cries. Stiles breathes a sigh of relief as Isabel's eyes finally move, glossing over his before turning to Scott.

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