Chapter Eleven - Oh My Bird

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I could her Alma clawing and pounding at the door, hear her sobbing and calling my name. I wanted so desperately to run to her, to take her under my wing and assure her everything would be alright but I couldn't. I couldn't open the door.

I turned and took one final glance at the house, only to feel something hit me hard on the back of the head before I fell to the ground unconscious.


Everyone in the room heard the thud and everyone heard Barron lift and take the fairy out of the house. Alma stopped calling the name, stopped calling out for her lover to come back and sat perfectly still, leaning against the door.

She'd lost her again.

Miss Avocet stepped away from the younger Ymbryne and turned to face the children.

"Now children, there is a hollow on the way and we all need to remain safe, secure all the doors and windows. Jake, fetch Miss Peregrines crossbow".

The children all ran to secure the house while Jake retrieved the weapon. Emma stepped over to her beloved headmistress, crouched down beside her and placed a hand on her back. She didn't say anything, just crouched there for a moment before Miss Avocet called them all to order.

"Now children, I don't want to see any heroics, leave the hollow to me, your main priority is staying safe"

A sudden crash rang through the room and the wall crashed downwards. The children all ducked facing the other way. They heard Miss Avocet scream, heard her dying and the hollow eating her eyes. Then, they heard a thud.

All of the children turned. They all saw their headmistress, crossbow in hand, her hair hanging loosely by her shoulders.

But only Jake saw the true scene.

Only Jake say the hollow laying on the floor with an arrow in its eye.

Miss Peregrine turned to her children. Her appearance surprised them all. She was unrecognisable. Her hair hung around her face having fallen out of its usual up-do, her dark eye makeup was stained down her cheeks and her usually neat outfit was torn in several places.

"Outside now children, it's almost time for reset"


I woke up on an ice cold, hard, floor. My head was pounding and I automatically raised a hand to it. What appeared to be medieval style shackles were clasped around my ankles. I clawed aimlessly at them, to no avail. 

I flapped my wings furiously trying to pull myself free. it didn't work.

 A large cage sat just off to my right filled with a variety of gorgeous birds. From tropical beauties to a finch that wouldn't look out of place on your garden wall. One bird stood out to me. A large, jet black crow, loudly cawing in my direction. I recognised her, it would be hard not to, Miss Crow had been my childhood Ymbryne.

"Crowface?" I asked, it was an old nickname, stemming from one time I said her face looked like a crows even in human form.  

Miss Crow cawed once, very, very loudly and gave me a look clearly stating:

'You better have a damn good reason for being here'

"Later" I groaned, my head was still pounding. 


Miss Peregrine hurried down the stairs, past the bodies of three dead whites, including Mr. Barron, whom she had shot personally. She came across a locked door and heard yelling and cawing from the other side.

"CAWING AT ME ISN'T HELPING MISS CROW!" She heard a woman scream.

Another caw rang though the room.

"You're just giving everyone a head ached damn it!"

Alma chuckled softly to herself before clicking open the door open with the key on Mr. Barons belt. 


We heard the lock click. Both me and the bird fell silent. My wings extended out at my sides, my hands glowed hot and amber. The door creaked open. 

Alma was stood there, her head hanging loosely at her shoulders, make up streaks still staining her porcelain face.

I forgot about the shackles around my ankles and that the most respectable figures in the peculiar world were watching. I needed her. I tried to fly forward. at the same moment Alma ran towards me. We collided with each other, our arms wrapping around each others waist and our lips locking together. 

We stayed there for a moment before a small caw from Miss Crow brought us back to reality. Neither of our gazes shifted from each other.

"Oh my bird" Alma whispered "You're alive"

"You're not getting rid of me that easily dove" 

Miss Crow cawed again.

"Yes, sorry" Alma said, walking over to a control panel and unlocking the cage. 

The door swung open. So did the shackled on my ankles. The majority of the Ymbrynes flew straight out of the sky lights. All except Miss Crow. 

She shifted back to her human form and stood there, arms folded and her foot tapping on the ground. 

"Andromeda" she said warningly.

I smiled at her innocently for a moment, then she blew up.


"Sorry?" I said timidly.

She raised her hand, pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Damn it child"

She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. I felt like a child again, safe in the arms of my mother, the woman who had raised me since I was 6 years old. I returned the hug, resting my chin on her shoulder.

She pulled away after a moment.

"Write to me" She said, then turned to the younger bird "Alma" 

"Victoria" Alma replied.

Miss Crow shifted back into bird form and flew out of the sun roof.

Alma and I threw ourselves into each others arms again, engulfed by my wings. I planted a kiss on her forehead and she returned one on my lips. 

"Don't you dare do that again"

"Get kidnapped? Yes ma'am"

A/N -

Ahhh my god there is like two chapters left of this book that I need to write then it's over!!! If anyone wants a prequel please tell me and I can write it 

Anyway I just read one of @massivesimpformissp 's books and OMG it was amazing so go read their stories

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