Chapter Eight - Christmas Decoration

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A/N - I am fully aware that this doesn't fit the timeline of the book or the movie but fuck it it's Christmas.

I have been home for a week. Alma and I had barely parted sides. I will never forget the looks on the children's faces when I attended breakfast for the first time after arriving.

Claire had practically screamed and jumped on me, the twins chittered happily and Bronwyn lifted me into and off the floor hug. Even the older children where excited that I had returned, including, to my surprise, Enoch.

We were all sat around the fire drinking hit chocolate. Alma was lying with her head on my lap, nose buried in a book while I leaned back on the sofa, stroking her hair and watching the children playing on the rug infront of me.

It was a rare treat to see everybody this relaxed, no threats, no arguments and, most importantly, no hollows.

Alma looked up at me for the first time in a while.

"You know what Andromeda?" She said "It's Christmas Eve"

"I though we didn't celebrate Christmas Alma" I mocked "You know, detaching from the future, remaining happy in our loop"

Alma scowled at me and jokingly hit me on the arm with her book.

"Well you've been gone for so long, I think, maybe, we can try something new to celebrate your return"

All the children cheered, even Enoch looked excited.

"Oh please Miss Wings, Please say we can" Claire begged.

"Is this one of those occasions where I get asked for permission despite the fact that it is going to happen either way?"

"Yes" Alma said, her eyes locked on me.

"Fine" I said, more excited than I was letting on.

We spent the rest of the evening decorating, Bronwyn and Fiona dedicating themselves to finding the perfect tree, the twins making paper decorations due to our inability to buy any, the older ones made cookies and all sorts of other sweet treats while Alma and I supervised them all.

"You know what" Enoch said, slumping down onto the sofa hours later "We're pretty good at this"

"Enoch O'Connor did you just compliment us all" Olive joked.

"One time only" Enoch replied.

------Time Skip------

The children where all fast asleep, Alma and I were laying in bed, arms wrapped around each other.

"Merry Christmas Bluebird"

"Merry Christmas my love"

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