Chapter Three - The Falling Fairy

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(This is really short because I have to get ready to go out, but here is more gayness for you all)

Alma was stood at the kitchen counter top, supposedly preparing dinner, but she couldn't focus. The clock ticked on the wall behind her, the sound drilled into her skull.

'Horace's dreams aren't always true' She thought to herself 'It could have just been a nightmare'

But she was kidding herself. She knew it was true. In about ten minutes the fairy was going to fall from the sky.

"Miss Peregrine" 

Claire had entered the room. 

"Can I go and play outside now my room is tidy?"

The little girl looked up at the bird with anticipation. Alma let out a sigh, trying to ground herself.

"Of course you can Claire, have fun" she said still not facing the girl.

"Miss Peregrine are you alright?" She seemed worried

"I'm perfectly well, thank you Claire"

The little girl skipped out of the room happily and Alma slightly grinned, watching her go. The bird looked at the clock on the wall, then at the children playing outside.

5 minutes 


4 minutes


3 minutes 


2 minutes 


Outside a shadow fell on the children. They ran over to Jake and Emma, hiding behind them. The fairy hit the ground with a thud. 


My head was excruciating, something was burning my back and my entire body shook. Where was I? Who was crying?

I opened my eyes to a squint, barely able to make out the fuzzy shapes above me.

"Claire, go and get Miss Peregrine"

Thoughts flooded into my head as someone ran away somewhere.

'Miss Peregrine? Was that Alma? That was Emma's voice! Claire? Am I home?

I lost consciousness. 

The Falcon and The Fairy (Alma Peregrine X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora