Chapter Twenty One: Old Friends

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Jack stumbled as shadowy faces swirled around him. He looked down at the leather-bound book in one hand and totem in the other. Their shapes stood out in stark relief against the swirling gray and black shadows. He studied the totem, a carved figure of an old man with a bald head and long robes. The little figurine held his arms crossed in front of him with hands lost in the folds, a half-smile on his face. Jack shifted his gaze to the book with the familiar tree carved into the surface of the leather, the life tree from his dream. He raised his head, and the shadows spun away. His knees started to buckle, but he felt a firm grip on his arm, steadying him.

"Saeb," came a woman's voice, "it is you."

"Laean?" Jack looked into her deep crimson eyes and stepped back, pulling his arm free. The solid wood of the front door pressed into his back.

"I should be across the world," he whispered, holding up the book.

Laean smiled. "You made it through the trials."

"Saeb's trials," he said.

"You are Saeb."

"No," Jack said.

Laean gave him an appraising look, narrowing her eyes before nodding her head. "That, I think, is the heart of the trials. You... I mean Saeb, wanted to ensure that the incarnation that finally reaches the totem was sane, not infected with Shen madness... or Lily's."

"What are you talking about?" Jack's head was throbbing.

"Sit down and eat," she said. Jack allowed her to lead him to the kitchen table. He lowered himself slowly to a chair and placed the journal and totem in front of him. Laean rummaged in the refrigerator, pulling out sliced turkey, milk, and bread.

"Eat this," she said, setting a plate beside the journal. He hesitated only a moment before devouring the food.

Between bites, he said, "I have to find Ann. How long—" he looked at his watch, but the digital screen was blank.

"Sometimes electronics don't survive when we channel that much energy," Laean said, leaning against the far wall. He wanted to cringe under her scrutiny, but his stomach growled again and he continued to eat. "You have only been gone moments, a half-hour at most," she said.

"Moments," he muttered. "But I was, I," he stammered and took a deep breath before continuing, "I was in there for ages with Saeb and Millae, and Lily," his throat clenched but he continued, "and Jode, the trial took forever, it—"

"Time moves differently in VR. But now, here you are with your totem."

He nodded, and she narrowed her eyes at him. He could feel her touch his mind. It wasn't hostile or forceful, more like a gentle probing.

"What are you looking for?"

"Just making sure," she said.

"Of what?"

"That it's you. You survived the trials," she said. "Your body isn't wasting away staring at the wall until it dies."

"That happened before?"

"On a few occasions," she said, flicking her eyes away.

"But something is bothering you," Jack said, taking a drink and sitting back. He felt stronger but not ready to stand yet.

"I have only found you a handful of times, Saeb... Jack. And each time you failed the trials." Her gaze pierced him, red eyes illuminating slightly. "I stayed with you as your body died." He felt her touch on his mind grow stronger and wished he knew how to block her out.

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