~Chapter Eight~

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y/n: Ouch! You almost broke my neck!

Irene: That's what you get for being a snake. You broke my heart into pieces!

Lying on the towel, I furiously kick Irene's knees. Her legs buckle, and she falls on top of me!

Irene: Aaah!

y/n: Ooof!

I feel her body against mine. I freeze.

y/n: Er...

Irene: ....!

y/n: Wait. Let me stand up.

In an attempt to get back on my feet, I roll to the side. Irene rolls too. And before I know it, I am lying on top of her.

Irene: ....

y/n: ...

I stare to her eyes. Seems like she's Allowing herself to remain under my body. I feel her hand creep along my back. (It's like she doesn't want me to move.)

Irene: y/n...

(She looks so beautiful up close. She's an adorable girl. Look at her. A few seconds ago we were fighting. Now. This...) I don't move. I only look deep into Irene's eyes.

Irene: Why aren't you moving?

y/n: You tell me. Why aren't you kicking and screaming at me?

Irene: Why are you answering my question with another question?

y/n: Looks to me like you're enjoying this.

Irene: I am not. How dare you make those kinds of assumptions about my feelings!

Looking down at her, I grab both of her wrist.

Irene: Oh, so you want to play dirty, huh?

Her hands grab my rear end. I do my best not to squeal in surprise. (Irene is definitely sending some clear signals. I guess I should take advantage of the situation. Let's see where it leads us.)

y/n: Is that all you got?

I lower myself on top of her. My chest  is now flat against hers.

Irene: You're an amateur! Such child's play.

She pinch my buttocks. They hurt a bit, but I fight the pain.

y/n: Playing dirty, you say? Well, how about this?

I start to grind my torso against her, drawing an imaginary spiral on her body.

Irene: Huh? What are you doing?

I continue with what I'm doing, not taking my eyes off her.

Irene: Uh...w-what...is...this?

y/n: Give up? Are you gonna admit that you're liking this?

Irene: Never! I'm not- ughhh!~

I continue rubbing myself against her. It looks like she's ticklish in the abdomen area.

Irene: W-Why are y-you  d-doing this-oooh!~

I don't stop. I'm getting too excited.

Irene: Uuuh!~ Aaaah!~

I pick up speed, making circular motions as quickly as possible. She moan aloud. I look at her panties and she's so fucking wet.

Irene: A-Aaah!~ y/n s-stop! Okay you win, I like it, okay! I like it a lot, which is why you need to stop.

Hearing the magic word, I stop.

y/n: Are you okay Irene? I hope I didn't hurt you.

Irene: No. actually, you... *sniff*

She begin to cry.

Irene: I'm so sorry if I was mean to you earlier. I shouldn't have been angry. Belle is a nice person. I understand why she would want to be you friend.

y/n: Irene...I'm just happy That you're not angry with me. I hope we can always get along.

Irene: Oh, y/n. look at you. How can I get angry with a face like that?

y/n: Well I'm glad that we're not fighting anymore.

Irene: ......y/n?

y/n: What's that?

Irene: Can you... Can you do it again? Rub yourself against me?

y/n: WHAAAT?

Irene: I kinda liked it.

y/n: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was just playing around back there.

Irene: Ugh. And I thought you liked me enough to do whatever I ask you to do.

y/n: I'm not stupid, okay? That's the last time I'm doing that-

WHOOSH a strong gust of wind blows...and the figure of a man magically appears in front of us.

Huh? Those ears...

y/n: Irene, it's an elf!

The mysterious elf takes one look at me on Top of Irene.

M-elf: You dare violate the purity of Our princess Irene?! Prepare to die!

The stranger raises his sword, and just as he says, I'm now preparing to die.


(MY ELF GIRLFRIEND!) _Malereader x elf girlsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat