~Chapter Five~

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(YN): ......Belle...Are you hearing yourself right now?

Belle: Did I stutter? I said I would only return if the elves leave.

Sweat rolls down my forehead. Belle waits for me to answer.

(YN): Why would I force them to leave? Irene and Olivia just want a new life here.

Belle: Stop it with the rhetorical questions. I'm waiting for an answer. Do you agree or not? Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time is running out. 

(YN): I can't believe this Ugh! No one leaves! Irene and Olivia are gonna stay in the Busy Bean...and YOU, Belle, are going to keep coming back for your green tea cappuccino. You hear me?

Belle: ....Wow, that is the angriest I've ever heard you. It sounded like it came from the heart.

Belle claps her hands. I feel confused.

(YN): Wait, what? Why are you clapping? I have no idea what's going on right now.

Belle: (YN), it was just a test. I wanted to see how you would react.

(YN): A test? You mean, it wasn't real?

Belle: I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I was curious, that's all. Don't worry. No matter what you decide to do, I'm still going to return to the cafe.

(YN): Whew. You got me there for a minute.

Belle: But that doesn't mean I forgive you for what you did to my dress. I still have a condition.

(YN): Okay. Name it. Just don't involve the other girls, please.

Belle: Easy. Take me to Honeyville.

(YN): Honeyville? You mean that classy neighborhood known for its cafe?

Belle: Yeah. You see, I've always wanted to try a particular place there...It's a cute cafe. They have this dessert called a troofle waggle. It's fqmous, but expensive. Made from non-dairy products, but with lots and lots of sugar. According to food reviews, it's soft like custard. wanna try it?

(YN): I haven't heard of a Troofle Waggle before, but it sounds delicious! Sure. I'll take you to Honeyville. As long as you forgive me, right?

Belle: Great decision. Let's set the date and time. We'll take it from there.

Belle waves goodbye and disappears around the corner.


The next few days pass by, and my "date" with Belle fast approaches.

Olivia: Good morning, (YN). Good morning, Princess Irene.

Irene: Hello, Olivia! Hello, (YN)! So...why are we in the kitchen again?

(YN): Listen up, staff. I want to make sure that we're doing our best for the cafe. Before I leave to Honeyville, I want to teach you more responsibilities. Irene, here's a grocery list. You have an hour to but them all.

I hand over the list to Irene.

Irene: Yes. I will do my very best to accomplish this task! Do you have any tips for me? It's my first time going to the supermarket.

(YN): Be polite to other people. Remember, they're also shoppers like you. It's important to be courteous.

Irene: Be polite and courteous. That's easy!

Olivia: Heehee...

Irene: Hey, What's so funny?

(YN): We can't really imagine you acting politely.

(MY ELF GIRLFRIEND!) _Malereader x elf girlsWhere stories live. Discover now