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take me out.


people say that violence isn't the answer to any problems, but I disagree. Respectfully. Whether it's violent sex, relentless exercise, or throwing a fist in someone's face, it's a soothing practice, to be able to take out ones aggression.

No one is perfect, most infuriatingly, no one in LA is perfect, despite the façade these people put up. In fact, I've never been in a place so filled to the brim with people so alone and unhappy with their sorry lives. I mean, I probably would be too, working a 9 to 5 just to come home, go to bed and do the same thing again. Maybe go to a yoga or spin class, hopping on the new fads to try and make something of myself. I'm kind of grateful the band was found when we were, because none of that sounds very appealing.

As part of a now world renowned band, there's something these boys must understand, which is the public's ability to find a way in.

I've quickly caught on that many people think a quick claim to fame is a good enough reason for suspicion, and some of these reporters, especially in a city like LA, are willing to go through such lengths, like sending an intern to a beachside party.

Now, I may not be the one to necessarily call the shots, but the guy in charge, and more importantly, I myself, don't take too lightly to infiltration. Niall may not be the smartest tool in the shed when it comes to certain things, but the red flags were right there. Liam was quick to jump on it, and the party was shut down so quick while I was in the separate cabanna with Kenzie. I hate when my time gets cut so short.

The span of time it took the men to bring him down to this club basement, to now, I already know everything I need to about him by the way he sits, and his schedule. He has a wife, who he cheats on with his assistant named Natalie, he has a daughter, that he spoils in hopes it makes up for his wrong doings. He lives in Beverly Hills, and goes for runs at about 7 am, every morning except for Tuesdays.

I turn on my song using the old boombox left down here while the other boys stand watching. I light a cigarette and take the first drag. Then I turn around and lean down to the man in the suit with an over-gelled combover, then shoot a look to Louis behind the camera.
"Ready?" I ask. He nods in response

this is about to get ugly.

I grab the man by the chin. "You want to know more about us?" I ask, squeezing my pointer and thumb so tight I don't think he even knows how to respond. He is wincing in pain and almost already begging for mercy.

"Are you gonna answer or just sit there and look pretty?" Niall chimes in. The mans eyes widen, "N-No." He yelps out.

I slowly bring the burning cigarette to the back of his hand which restrained by his ties. His eyes begin to widen as he tries to squirm away. I place the hot ash to his skin and hear his yelp like a small puppy.

"Oh, Mr. Conners, I don't think you want to yell." Liam picks up his shirt showing off the gun tucked away in the waistband of his pants.

I punch Mr. Conners hard across the face, just under the eyebrow.

The first hit always makes me feel great.

I take off his gold rolex watch and place it on the table with the boombox.

"I dont think you'll be needing this." I smirk. This is evidence to be taken to the boss.

"Please, I'll give you whatever you want. Money? uh- my membership at the casino, a reserved table at Nozawa... I'll-"

"Cut the story?" Louis interrupts his thoughts and steps away from the camera. Mr. Conners tenses in his seat and his eyes widen as he notices the knife in Louis' hand.

"What? what story?" He murmurs through his teeth.

"Oh, you know, a band about to go on a world tour that likes to party..." Louis begins to twirl the knife in his right hand while continuing to walk towards us. I stand, towering over this man in the seat, so desperate to be let out.

"I don't think that the article is worth say... your pretty little daughter?" Niall speaks up from behind him.

"Don't touch a hair on her head.." He begins to get infuriated.

I lean in close to him and examine his face.

"Don't make me." I say. I hit him across the face, two, three more times. The repeated motion as my sweat rolls down my cheek. My knuckles bearing the entire weight of each and every punch. Again and again.

By the time my song is done I have a good as dead magazine CEO tied to a chair, in the basement of some club.  With his broken nose and jaw, black eye, and blood all over me. The world of pain he is in, I can only imagine, but I don't really have to. His breathing is mildly concerning, but my job was to teach him a lesson, not kill him, so I guess he gets to live in the misery of walking around like this.

His eyes are tearing. "I'll pull the story." He surrenders.

I scan his face of the scars I just left, the gushing blood and the swelling just beneath his skin. The pain behind his eyes is heart wrenching, if I were to really care.

Liam and Louis put the linen bag back over his head and start walking back up the stairs and to the car while Niall and I begin to clean up. He's quiet. Almost as though he feels bad. In some ways, I envy that softness about him.

I begin to lift up the tarp and fold it over.

"I'm sorry you had to do that again." He says quietly looking down at his hands. It isn't something I necessarily enjoy, or enjoy doing in front of the boys. If I were left alone to do it I think my body wouldn't race to keep hitting so fast, or maybe I would be able to catch my breath. But when they are in the room, I just wish in some way I could protect them. In someways I feel I am the only reason the band made that deal, so this is sort of my way of taking the bullet for them, because I know they hate it so much.

"You'll make it up to me, I'm sure." I laugh it off. "You owe me time with that cabana girl." I joke about the cute blonde girl from about 6 hours before. Her tiny little frame and gorgeous body.

He looks at me with wide eyes. "Ken-Kenzie?" He asks. He begins rolling up the tarp with me.

"Yeah, why?" I ask. I knew he was the one to invite the girls but I didn't realize maybe he wanted to get with her, I mean she was all over me from the start.

"Oh um, I just- I met her through Skye." He stammers, and I can feel the shock run through my body. fuck. I knew there was something about her that reminded me of Skylar. It wasn't that I could possibly make things worse between Skylar and I, honestly, I think both of us have so much pride in the way to even fully have a real conversation, so I don't think any of this will ever actually come up, and I don't want it to. Niall looks over at me while I sit there in silence. I nod my head and he continues to help me clean up.

I gulp back the lump in my throat and the shaking begins, every bone in my body is shocked by this. I can't see Kenzie, or Skye again, we leave for tour in what? Three weeks? All I have to do, is close my eyes and go through the motions.


oh yes. you fucked up Harry.

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