He had just imprinted on the creature he hated most on this Earth. 'Fuck my life'.

How was this even possible? The whole purpose of imprinting was to ensure that the wolf bloodline would continue, right? The spirits really must hate him. Why else would they make him imprint on a fucking dude, his mortal enemy, a bloodsucker that was quite possibly deader than he already was!

Jacobs mind was reeling. No, he couldn't be dead. A vampire doesn't die like a normal person. Maybe Edward was in some kind of coma. He didn't need to breathe and he certainly didn't have a pulse, so there was no way for him to check. But instinctively, his inner wolf knew he couldn't be dead. You can't imprint on a corpse, even though, technically, that's exactly what a vampire is, a walking corpse. His brain felt like it was frying, he was so confused that this was even possible.

Jacob wanted to run away, sort out his thoughts. But the imprint was winning over his rational brain. If he left him here like this, someone else in the pack would find him and not think twice before tearing him to pieces for being on their land. As much as he wanted to reject this new needful sensation, protectiveness for his imprint won out. He had to get him out of here. Goddamn it.

His inner wolf refused to allow his brain to consider any other options, and he felt his body transform. He braced himself for the impeding vile flavor that was about to invade his senses, cursing himself for even considering doing this. Gingerly, he took Edward's motionless form between his teeth, careful not to bite down too hard. Jacob was shocked to find that he didn't want to immediately hurl, he kind of tasted like vanilla ice cream. His sweet scent wasn't as sickly as it had been five minutes ago either, it was surprisingly tolerable. He shuddered to think the imprint could work that quickly.

Jacob legs went as fast as they could go, heading for the only man who might have a clue what to do, the doc. It wasn't long before he was galloping onto the Cullen estate. Not a moment too soon, he was salivating heavily around the body in his jaws, unable to swallow properly around him. He was getting too slick for him to hold onto much longer. Jacob broke through the trees surrounding their house, only to find the doc and his two brothers outside waiting for them. Damned vampire hearing.

The brothers looked about ready to jump Jacob as he approached with their motionless brother clamped in his mouth. Jacob slowed down, dropping Edward gently at their feet, and sat down on his haunches, hoping that he looked submissive enough to hold off their attack. The big, hulking one made a move for Jacob, but he was stopped by the doc laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait, Emmett. Let him explain." Carlisle said, nodding towards Jacob.

Emmett protested hotly. "Wait? I'll tear him to shreds. Look what he did to Edward!"

"I see him." Carlisle announced patiently.

Jasper eyed Jacob cautiously. "I don't sense any animosity from him." His brow furrowed, a confused look crossing his features. "If anything, I only sense...love?" He looked Jacob over, trying to figure out why he would be feeling that way.

Jacob huffed, embarrassed that he could tell the very thing he was trying to deny to himself. Time to phase and tell them what he knew before they got tired of waiting. Jacob changed forms before them, not really caring about his nudity.

Jacob crossed his arms across his chest and tilted his chin up in defiance. "I don't know about love." I scoffed. Jasper quirked an eyebrow at him, but Jacob ignored him. "I found him like that. He was on my land. He's not responding to anything. I think he's dead."

Carlisle sighed deeply, shaking his head. "That's not possible. Emmett, Jasper, take Edward up to his room. I'll be there in a minute."

The guys grimaced at the feel of Jacobs slimy drool as they carefully lifted Edward from the ground and carried him inside.

Jacobs Imprint (Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now